Jingai Musume 1

Apparently I Grew Wings


I twisted and turned the mirror I had on hand, dexterously manipulating it in order to check myself out.
I slowly examined every last nook and cranny, with my expression remaining serious throughout the process.

For the most part, I looked no different from usual.
My hair was black, and my facial features were all exactly as I remembered them.
To be honest, I was average.
I wasn’t especially handsome nor particularly ugly.
My eyes carried a bit of a sharp glint, but they were honestly the only part of my face that didn’t scream average.
My height and build both fell within the norm as well.

The reason I was scrutinizing myself wasn’t because I was some sort of narcissist.
I wasn’t particularly interested in taking in the appeal of my own body.
I was merely checking myself over because it was absolutely necessary.

I gave the mirror yet another twist and started to gaze at my back: the most abnormal part of me.
For some odd reason, I’d grown wings.
The pitch black protrusions sprouted out of the area around my shoulder blade.
They looked like the kind of thing you’d expect to see on a dragon, or maybe even a bat.
I couldn’t tell which.

Having wings was weird.
I’d never had them before, so they almost didn’t feel like a part of my body despite clearly being attached to me.
It was a bit difficult for me to control them due to my unfamiliarity with them, but focusing on them allowed me to flap them, thereby confirming that they weren’t just some sort of decoration.

The second and only other weird part of my body was my right eye.
My eyes were both originally black.
Keyword: were.
My right iris, however, had gone through some sort of change.
It had somehow dyed itself brilliant shade of crimson.

It seemed that the change in colour was linked to one of the skills innate to my race.
Specifically, it was one of the so called “magic eyes,” the cringy things Japanese kids in middle school loved goi

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