God Emperor

Chapter 764: Blood Print Saint Decree Six Saints to the Sky Wine

After Jialuo Gu and the Third Royal Prince left, dead and injured respectively, things calmed down. The Heir Banquet was finally back on the right path.

Monk Lidi had purposefully killed someone, breaking the rules of the Heir Banquet, but the Saint Lady didnt drive him away from Scroll Mountain.

“It is logical in the Buddha Way to kill traitors. It doesnt count as breaking the rules,” the Saint Lady said.

Clearly, shed met Monk Lidi long ago and was sure that he would be one of the nine Heirs. Thus, no matter if Monk Lidis actions were understandable or not, he would definitely be able to sit in an Heir Seat.

After that, Monks began to stream up Scroll Mountain again, fighting for seats in the Talent, Conquer, King, and Heir sections.

Beigong Lan abruptly stood up from the second King Seat. She began climbing up to the Heir Seats.

Her injuries were actually completely healed.

Shed brought the holy medicine Withered Pill from the Saint Academy. This pill was made from a withered ten thousand-year-old tree. It contained extremely strong medicinal powers.

As long as a Monk was still breathing, no matter how badly injured they were, they would recover within two hours of taking the Withered Pill.

Beigong Lans abilities were actually powerful enough to be the top fighter of the Saint Academy. If the Third Royal Prince hadnt been wearing the Hundred Saint Blood Armor, he wouldnt have been a match for her at all.

At the same time, other young Monks whod been sitting in the King Seats and were relatively confident in themselves left their seats as well. They went up to fight for the Heir Seats.

The intense banquet had only just begun. It was still uncertain who exactly would keep their Heir Seat.

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