the monster before their fists collided.

Boom! The two figures were like the repelling poles of a magnet as they flew backwards away from each other.
Su Jin felt like the flesh of his arm was about to tear apart.
The impact of the collision almost shattered his arm.

This was the first time something like that was happening to Su Jin after he took the High Level Body Strengthening Elixir.
The Level 4 Mutant turned out to be a truly powerful being that could match him in terms of physical body strength.

Meanwhile, the Level 4 Mutant itself was not doing much better.
The arm it had used to attack Su Jin had exploded upon impact.
Su Jin was pleased that the mutant had suffered more damage.
After all, the mutant had to go against gravity to punch him, while Su Jin had thrown a punch from above, so gravity was on his side.

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The Level 4 Mutant continued to growl angrily.
It flung out its other good arm and the zombies that the arm was comprised of were only connected at their heads and feet, so they could be extended like a long chain.
This chain of zombies was like a whip as it flew towards Su Jin.

Su Jin reacted quickly by pulling out more than ten steak knives from his belt and flinging them out at once.
Each knife would stab through a few dozen zombies, so after all the knives had hit their targets, the Level 4 Mutant basically lost its other arm.

Chen Duo hid in Kano Mai’s arms and watched the fight with a look of disbelief on her face.
Su Jin was a formidable fighter, but he hadn’t used anything supernatural, so she just took it that Su Jin was some incredible martial artist, like the ones she had watched on TV.

At the same time, fighting a 20-meter tall monster while being suspended in mid-air didn’t seem like something a mere martial artist could do.
This fight scene seemed more like something out of a cultivation novel rather than a martial arts novel.

The mutant saw that Su Jin was going to swing another punch from above at it, so it took a step backwards and fell onto the ground.
It growled loudly once it landed and countless zombies rushed towards it to form new arms.

Su Jin gasped in horror.
The mutant was actually able to repair its body just like that.
In other words, for as long as there were zombies in the world, the mutant would always be able to repair any part of its body infinitely.

Now that the mutant had shifted, Su Jin’s oncoming attack was blocked and the impact had lessened significantly.
The mutant got up from the ground and blocked Su Jin’s next attack.

The mutant’s arms were now a lot thicker than before, as if it had purposely gathered more zombies in order to deal with Su Jin.
Its fist had brushed past Su Jin in less than a second, but Su Jin noticed something and was stunned for a moment.

He saw a few familiar faces on the fist of the mutant.
Ju Xinlan, Zhang Lei, Shen Hongjiang and Professor Charlemagne made it here, but they had all become zombies that growled fiercely at Su Jin.

During the time he was stunned, the mutant’s fist had nearly reached him.
He didn’t have the space to swing his fist as hard as before, so even if he did try to throw a punch, the impact wouldn’t be as great.

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He forced his body to turn and narrowly dodged the oncoming wind caused by the mutant’s punch.
He exerted some force in his legs and used them to press down one of the zombies on the mutant’s fist from both sides.
And of all the zombies, his legs happened to grab hold of Ju Xinlan.

Boom! Su Jin’s legs were too strong and squeezing Ju Xinlan’s zombie body between them smashed her body to pieces.
That alarmed Su Jin for a moment – he really hadn’t meant to be disrespectful to a dead body, no matter what Ju Xinlan had done in the past.

“I guess you’re just unlucky,” muttered Su Jin with the shake of his head.
But now that he had become just like one of the zombies that formed the mutant’s fist, he used the force from the mutant’s punch to fly towards the Safe Zone.

The momentum from the mutant’s punch helped Su Jin to fly faster than if he had leaped off the mutant himself, which made the mutant furious.
But there was nothing the mutant could do.
Even if it shot another chain of zombies at Su Jin, it wouldn’t be enough to catch up with him.

A whooshing sound filled their ears as they came closer and closer to the Safe Zone.
Kano Mai’s expression remained unfazed by everything that just happened, Chu Yi was still trying to find a way to chomp on Su Jin’s neck, while Chen Duo’s eyes were as wide as saucers.
To her, they were still going to die if they were to do a crash landing in the Safe Zone.
This time, it wasn’t because they were falling from too great a height, but because they were flying at too high a speed.

As they came closer to land, Chen Duo began to despair, but Su Jin looked just as confident as before.
Just before they landed, Su Jin suddenly sucked in a huge amount of air, then blew it out as hard as he could.

This rush of air out of his mouth served as an emergency brake of sorts that slowed them down sufficiently.
It made Su Jin fly backwards a little, but it was within what Su Jin could handle.
He used his legs to adjust the speed and finally landed all four of them safely on the ground.

The people in the Safe Zone were all alarmed when Su Jin literally fell from the sky.
They had witnessed the battle earlier as well.

“Who are you?” yelled one man who looked like he was the leader.

Su Jin looked at him, then placed a glass test tube on the ground and said, “This is a substance that can poison zombies to death.
A Professor Charlemagne said that it’s the only hope that this world has.”

Immediately after he said those words, Su Jin’s entire world blacked out.

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