was only a cover-up, the reality being that they were sending people to serve Ilyin and Aden.

Milo quickly moved the moment he heard of the death of Viscountess Arlen.
First, he unpacked everything they had packed to head back to the north and sent the maids that served the master couple to the Viscount mansion.

“You must be heartbroken.”

Viscount Arlen was busy receiving guests.
The guests moved around the Viscountess’s coffin, but everyone just seemed to be doing it out of formality as they just quietly showed respect and walked past it.
It felt like people who were close to her could’ve come, but there was no one at the funeral that looked like her friend.

The guests could be heard whispering at how even her own family didn’t show.
Even though it had been a while since they were in touch, none of the family showing up at the funeral stirred up some rumors.

“Ah yes.” Even Viscount Arlen who cared about the family’s image turned his head sadly at the subject.
He was holding back any excuses he could say and kept silent.

“He’s the same even on a day like this.”

It was Aden that was beside Ilyin.
Etra and Idith were behind the two of them.
A person approached them and instinctively, Idith moved to block the stranger, but Ilyin stopped him.

“It’s ok, Idith.”

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She looked at the lady whose face was also covered by a black veil.
She was holding a cane but her back was so straight that it didn’t seem necessary.

Idith moved back at Ilyin’s words.

There was a chuckle from underneath the veil, “You’ve married an amazing person.”

It was the same thing the Viscountess said.

Aden’s eyes opened a little wider as he realized who she was.
He was curious about the answer, but even for the Duke of Winter, he didn’t have the ability to see through a thick veil.

“Grandmother.” Ilyin’s voice gave the answer.

“If you’re curious about the name, call me Bertha.” Ilyin’s grandmother, Bertha, looked straight at Aden.

Aden bowed, “Nice to meet you.”

Bertha laughed again.
The joyous sound that didn’t fit the funeral echoed lightly around the three of them.

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“For sure you are a young man quite different from the rumors.”

She looked happy.
This might be the first time in a while, no, the first time ever that Ilyin saw her grandmother this happy.

They didn’t communicate much.
Grandmother who moved far away when Ilyin was young hadn’t even told her where she was going.

‘Where are you going?’ Young Ilyin asked.

Bertha’s answer was just as enigmatic as her, ‘You will know if you need it.’

Ilyin, even at a young age, somewhat understood what her grandmother meant.
If there was something important, the foresight would tell her.

Like now.

This time, my grandmother came to find me.

Ilyin looked at the coffin quietly.
The Viscountess, tidied up more than when she was living, lied there with her long shiny hair which ironically looked more alive now than it ever did when she was alive.

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