ng on a show for us? ” said Sarje fiercely.

”Friends, did you enter the battleship by riding the drone? I thought the drone couldn ’t carry passengers, ” I asked.

”Who says a drone can ’t carry passengers? Anything I modified can perform any task I wish, ” said Lamo.

”You talk too much.
That will be the death of you, ” complained the other Sacred Wing.

”He ’s Lamo.
What about you? ” I asked.

”I ’m Somo.
What ’s your name? ” 

I didn ’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I was actually being interrogated by someone I was interrogating.

”Are you courting death? How can the name of Superior Li Canyue be known by someone as insignificant as you? ” said Sarje, though his counter was rather stupid.

”Oh, so you ’re Li Canyue.
I didn ’t expect you to look like this, ” said the two little fellows, who, for some reason, were turning excited.

”What ’s wrong with my looks? Tell me.
Looks like you ’re very familiar with my reputation, ” I said, feeling rather smug at the attention I was getting.

”You don ’t have that much of a reputation, but the high priest and Master Wind both mentioned you before.
Among those from a planet-level civilization, you can be considered a lucky one, ” said Somo.

”Master Wind? You know Master Wind? ” I asked.

”Of course.
He had visited us many times to compare notes and exchange knowledge, ” said Lamo.

”Then do you know Temo? ” I asked.

”Temo? Are you referring to the person who was sent to watch over a warehouse because he was the least educated among us? ” asked Lamo.
I found myself speechless.
So Temo was actually the least educated among the Sacred Wing race?

”I think so.
He made a ship called Markus.
It is fighting bitterly outside.
I need you to take me to him, ” I said.

”Markus? Hahahaha! ” the two burst out in laughter.

”What are you laughing about? Shut up, or I ’ll teach you a nice lesson! ” threatened Sarje.

”Markus is a stupid transport ship.
I heard that Temo had modified a transport ship, but how powerful can a transport ship be? ” said Somo.

The reply caused me to take a deep breath in shock.
I had not expected that the ship we regarded as an extremely high-end product was actually a low-end product for the Sacred Wing race.
I realized that the height of technology was not something my brain could even begin to comprehend.

”Stop wasting my time.
Can your drone take us out of here? If there ’s not enough space in your drone, both of you can stay here, ” threatened Sarje.

”No, no, of course there ’s enough space.
It will be a tight squeeze, but there is enough space, ” said the two, who were finally feeling nervous. 

”Then let ’s get going.
This place is going to explode soon.
Open the drone ’s door.
We ’ll get in first, ” demanded Sarje.

The two Sacred Wings ran toward the drone and opened the door.
The modified drone had its weaponry system removed to make way for a rather large empty space inside.
It would be able to carry all four of us fine.
With the door opened, Sarje entered first before calling me over.

”You two, wait a moment, ” I suddenly stopped the two little fellows.

”What are you thinking of doing? ” asked Somo and Lamo.
They seemed rather nervous, perhaps due to Sarje ’s threats.

”Don ’t worry.
You ’re here for the battleship ’s core system, right? You forgot to retrieve the data you downloaded.
You can take what you downloaded with you, ” I said.

That reminded the two of them of their initial purpose.
They must not have expected that I would remember what they had been doing.
They shot me a look of gratitude before Lamo rushed back to retrieve the drive he had used to download the database.

I waited for them to finish everything and enter the drone before boarding after them.
The two little fellows piloted the drone toward the exit.
Along the way, we witnessed a scene of carnage.
The terrain was extremely difficult to navigate, but the two little fellows were able to skillfully move through numerous gaps as if this was their home.
Before long, we were out of the burning hangar.

After going through a door, we reached a different hangar.
The place was bustling with activity, but the flames had not spread this far yet.
The soldiers and drones that had escaped the previous hangar had all gathered here.

”Everyone, retreat immediately.
The battleship ’s core is becoming unstable.
A massive explosion might happen at any time.
All soldiers, get into your respective ships and leave, ” a robotic voice was being broadcast in the hangar.

At that time, I saw several drones flying toward us.

”Don ’t play any tricks and get us out.
Otherwise, I ’ll find your heads a new home, ” threatened Sarje.

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