MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 194: Your boy ain't no simp

The royal guards panicked , they were looking for the first prince everywhere. Frey noticed the commotion and tried to locate the bastard too.

Rudra took out the Elven sword and Excalibur , as he rushed infront of the princess , vigilant of any and all incoming attacks.

Although he was infront of the princess , his swords crossed , making a protective stance around her , he was only looking at Karna.

Karna was tracking the bastard through his minds eyes and was waiting for him to be in range , when Rumi made his move , he gave Rudra the signal. Rudra made his move at that very instant. Using the Elven swords sepcial move World Slash!

A move containing 400% of Rudra ’s max attack power. It was a unstoppable attack.

Splash ! Critical hit!


Rumi came back to everyone ’s vision , Dagger in hand , as he was cut clean in half.

His upper half being seperated from his lower half , he was killed a horrific death. He kept mumbling ” Impossible … Impossible … Ruby ’s mine .. ” before entering eternal rest.

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The room went silent , as Frey looked at Rudra with complicated eyes. The guy had definitely saved his daughters life. But that sword and that move he used….. It is definitely the Elven sword , used by the first king of the Elves , the great high elf Gondolin.

The room broke into uproar , the despicable First prince had tried to assassinate the princess. The moment the prince was killed by Rudra. Yume silently snatched away the semi legendary artifact from his dead body. It would be a great help to one of the assasins in the guild. SMG could benefit greatly from the item.

However Frey was not the only one who noticed Rudra ’s sword. The elven council familiar with the folk Lore also understood the move Rudra unleashed was not normal. Someone shouted ” That was the World Slash , that is the elven sword, the elven sword has accepted a human as a master ”.

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