MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 421: War (2) : The Spoils Of Draconia

The countdown hit 0 , and a very organized March began from the enemy troops outside Purplehaze city.

Rudra could see that the troops were seperating into three seperate attack contingents , the biggest was heading straight for the north gate , while one seemed to turn left and one to the right , possibly going to try their luck at East or West gates or even circle completely around and try attacking south gate.

Attacking south gate when the main army was busy attacking north gate was plain stupid , however Rudra did not mind the enemy from attacking any side , as every side was equally thick and reinforced with equal supplies. Wherever they would go , they would be pelted by the Elites army.

As the enemy closed in to about 600 meters range , Rudra signalled for the Archballistae to start their volley of arrows towards incoming troops.

Although at this wide range it needed to use a parabolic path , loosing a lot of power in the process , it was still good enough for armour penetration to cause severe damage.

About 20,000 Arrows covered the sky in less than 10 seconds of Rudra giving the order , drowning the charging enemy with a rain of arrows .

The rain of arrows was met by a cover of shield by the charging enemies, as they used tucktail , to hide completely from under the fire of the parabolic arrows.

Under the first volley , less than 20 men died while only 50 more were injured. The army at a large remained unhinged. Continued to advance at a very slow pace .

Hao Mi knowing that the Elites boasted an impressive fleet of Archballistae weapons , specially acquired a armour design for her front runners , that gave a -60% arrow damage reduction. Meaning that death casuality due to being pierced by arrows was going to be significantly less .

Splurging a large amount on this equipment , she came prepared for this war , doing her homework well. The result was evident as the loss of life on her side was quite minimal.

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