tartled and stepped back as the boys blocked the road with laughter.
A stranger appeared in the back alley of the slum.
Isn’t that the perfect target for robbery?
“Hey there, buddy.
We’re a little thirsty right now, but we shouldn’t drink with our money…”
Three in the front, two in the back.
No one else is looking at it other than that.
Ivan checked his surroundings and straightened his back.
With a strange sound, Ivan’s dwarf size returns to its original shape.
The assassin’s disguise was all good, but his body was sore.
He can’t even make strenuous movements.
‘Still, learning it is useful.’
It was a skill that he had learned to kill the guy who hit the back of his head in the past, but he had forgotten about it for a while.
It’s good that he is using it like this.
“Uh, huh?”
The robbers opened their mouths when they saw the person changing in front of them.
He was obviously a small guy, but suddenly a warrior with his wide shoulders was looking down on them.
Ivan swung his fist when the guys were panicking.
Unfortunately, Ivan didn’t have much knowledge as a martial artist, but that didn’t mean it his punch doesn’t hurt.
The robbers fall without a moment to resist.
They were just a little bit more of a bully.
Even if Ivan was bare-handed, there was no way they could stop him.
He drove the fallen robbers into a corner and grabbed one and lifted him up.
He was moaning in pain, but when Ivan slapped him on the cheek, he jumped up.
Physical therapy seems to be quite effective.
About that time, Delfino, who had been hiding and watching from afar, approached.

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“What do you think?”
“He used drug.
We need to find out if these guys were selling drugs too.”
Ivan wandered the slums for days to find them.
When a large Norse warrior wanders around, it gives only a sense of strangeness, and he can’t figure out anything, so he even uses the assassin’s disguise, which he didn’t normally use.
Junkies were easy to find, but they couldn’t find the drug dealers.
After a few days of wandering around, he found a clue.
“I think the description is right…”
Ivan stared, and he flinched.
The only thing in his head was the thought of being screwed up.
‘Um, is this how to do this?’
Ivan frowned and moved his mana.
Not in a familiar way, but very awkward.
Slowly moving his mana, he chanted a spell, and soon the mana radiated by Ivan wrapped around him.
Reading the basic magic book and combining the experience of dealing with mana, he activated magic clumsily.
Of course, if a proper wizard had seen it, he would have spit out double insults out of absurdity.
What kind of magic is that?
‘Should I say that this was made with magic or should I say that I used the magic power without knowing it?’
The activation speed was terribly slow and the amount of magic that went into it was too much, so the efficiency was crap, but somehow it succeeded.
Afterall, it wasn’t that long before Ivan started learning magic.
Now the sound will not escape from here.
“Romeo gang, right?”
“Oh, no.”
Had he confessed that Ivan was right, he would have been disappointed.
And if he had, he would have been rather suspicious.
Ivan put a spark on his finger.
Then he began to shove the dagger he had brought as a service from the weapon shop.
As the temperature rose moderately and the blade of the dagger changed its color, Ivan pressed it against his forearm.
“Ugh, aagh!”
The guy rolled on the floor with the sound of burning flesh.
Ivan stepped on his feet and suppressed his attempt to run with tears and runny nose becaus of his pain.
“I ask, and you answer.
If you lie about what I know, you’ll get another shot, and if you tell me only what I know, you’ll never eat with your hands.”

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As Ivan said so calmly, he shouted, desperately nodding his head.
“Alright, alright! I’ll tell you everything!”
“Ugh! Why! I said I will talk!”
“It’s noisy.
My ears hurt.”
As Ivan was beating him like a psychopath, the eyes of the other guys were full of fear.
“Now you’re ready to talk.”
If one guy faints from exhaustion, the other guy is dragged along and beaten.
Repeating that, Ivan did as much interrogation as he could, and he was able to get information from them.
“These people must have been taken advantage of, and the warlocks seem to have already ripped their hands out of this place.”
“Is it because he got what he wants? Or maybe he’s just moving around to avoid being pursued.”
Delfino healed the robbers while talking casually.
He instilled devine power so that the people who fell down foaming would not die.
He didn’t say much about Ivan’s torture.
Because he has seen much more terrible things than this as an exorcist who pursues demon worshipers.
That included not only what the demon worshipers did, but also what they did.
Right now, the world’s best torture experts were the heretic interrogators of Sanctus Populi.
In this world, torture was not so surprising.
It was a place where the concept of human rights itself was almost non-existent.
Ivan kicked the fallen ones and tied them together with ropes.
He intended to hand them over to the guards.
Even after trying to rob Ivan, their limbs are still intact, so these guys are lucky.
The guards will give you some more punishment, but he won’t kill them.
“The harvest is not much.”
“If you brush a few more, you’ll see a pattern.”
“First of all, starting with suspicion, step by step… What are you doing?”
Ivan, who was rummaging through the pockets of those who fell, looked guilty.
Because it was not something to be done in front of a priest.
“If they are handed over to the guards like this, the sins of the body will be punished, but the sins of the soul will be left.
If their money is used for the sake of God, these foolish soul will be forgiven by God, even a little.”
At those words, Delfino seemed to ponder for a moment and then nodded his head.
“That’s right.
It’s for the salvation of souls.”
After making a brief prayer to God, Delfino squatted next to Ivan and robbed them of their pockets.
(TN: I have to say, Delfino is my most favorite character throughout the story)

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