s later.

Zhou Huaiyu joined them at this time.

He had been busy with work a while ago, and now he became increasingly lightened up.
He came with the teacup and drank some, as he said happily, “I didn’t expect that we could leave so fast, you are efficient!”

Zhou Huaiyu was also quite efficient, and everyone was used to hanging out with him.

Now they were looking at him and listening to his words.

Zhou Huaijin nodded.
He did not laugh much, and barely talked.
He often only looked cheerful in front of Chaoyan, but Zhou Huaiyu did not mind this.

He looked at him with a look of interest.
“Eighth Brother, where did you get this boat? I did not get such a boat when I tried to travel down South on water before.”

Zhou Huaijin threw a calm look at Zhou Huaiyu.
He sipped the tea and said a few words.
“I bought it with money.”

Zhou Huaiyu’s face twitched.

Of course it was bought with money.
How much was spent anyway?

It was totally beyond expectation, but these two men, one of whom was talkative, the other silent, kept the conversation on for a long time somehow.

Gu Chaoyan was sitting next to them in silence.

She did not feel like talking, and she noticed that she wasn’t feeling very well after she landed on the boat.

After she sat there for a while she said, “I will go and have a nap.”

“I will accompany you there,” Zhou Huaijin got up and said,

Zhou Huaiyu looked at the couple, then he sighed.

He turned to Wuhen next to him.
“I remember that father granted me a Princess Consort?”

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