prised at first, but then he said, “Hey, would you mind reporting my dad as well??”

Qing Chen: “???”

At this time, the bell rang for the next class.

The second class in the morning was English, but the geography teacher came in.

The name of their school, Luo City Foreign Language School, had the words foreign language in it, so a strong emphasis of the curriculum was placed on a foreign language classes.

Therefore, the English teachers in the school had relatively more privileges compared to teachers of other subjects.
Almost every English teacher in the school was the best available in the city, and there were even native English tutors hired by the school.
Since middle school, these tutors would give group lessons every week.

Additionally, the school even offers several alternative languages like Japanese and German the students who did not choose English.

The middle-aged geography teacher third Chen Yandong started speaking on the podium, “Your homeroom teacher Ms.
Du is not here today, so the second class will temporarily be changed to geography class.
You will have English for the third class tomorrow morning.”

Qing Chen was stunned when he heard this.
From so much that had happened today, he doubted that this would be as simple as a coincidence.

Might Du Yihong also be a transmigrator?

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There were so many transmigrators in Luo City that he knew of, then how many must there be in the county, or in the world?

No, that can’t be right!

Qing Chen lowered his head to not let others see his eyes, but in an instant, his pupils narrowed.

Everything that happened today flashed through his mind like a movie.
He analyzed and sorted through all the images and scenes he saw and heard.

The second group of transmigrators who just had a countdown appearing on their arms.

The girl who just found out that she was about to transmigrate was being interviewed accompanied by her parents.

The transmigration uploader who was sponsored by a large brand.

News after news were like leaves pouring down from the sky, and Qing Chen was only picking out the useful bits of information that he wanted to learn.

The next moment Qing Chen raised his head in astonishment.
He plotted in his mind all the transmigration in the news, and most were clustered in around ten or so cities.

There was even a discussion thread about some people complaining that they haven’t found any in their cities.

In other words, the locations of the transmigrators were fairly concentrated!

In just around ten cities!

The amount of analysis made Qing Chen feel a little lightheaded.

Around 5:40 in the afternoon, Qing Chen skipped class again.

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Before leaving, the study class representative shouted to him, “Qing Chen, don’t forget that the textbook fees are due tomorrow!”

“Got it,” said Qing Chen, waving goodbye.

Then, he quickly left the classroom while being stared at by many envious pairs of eyes.

Under the setting sun, the students who had just finished their classes rushed to the cafeteria to get food and prepare for the self-study class that night.

Qing Chen zipped through the crowd and stepped out of the school on an unnoticeable corner.

He first went home, took off his school uniform, and changed into an old set of clothes.
He hadn’t worn this set of clothes in a long time.
Before heading out again, he also grabbed a cap and put it on his head.

He searched on his phone for Yinrun Garden that the boy told him this morning and found that it was about six kilometers1 away from the school.
That was where Huang Qixian lives.

For some inexplicable reason, he felt compelled to investigate what was going on with his classmate.
Despite the fact that he had no idea which unit the boy resided in, he still wanted to try his luck.

Qing Chen had no other cash than the 50 cents2 in his pocket.
This would be all he had until the next time he played chess at the Fulai Supermarket.

I’ll just run.

Qing Chen wasn’t very used to exercising.
The most he would do would be the routine running during gym class.

But now he suddenly realized the importance of exercising.
He must have a sturdy body to face the dangers of the other world.

One must know:

The Chinese language has never produced a homophone for the term “life.” Perhaps the character represents the concept of having only one life.

It must be treasured.

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