e decade.”

Qing Chen used Weibo and other news applications to keep up with social trends, but he didn’t pay much attention to overseas celebrities, especially because she wasn’t well-known yet.

As a result, he had never heard of the name.

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Now after some research, Qing Chen felt more confused than ever about how he got involved with this kind of person.

At this moment, Wang Yun was still glancing at his phone from time to time, thinking, “Didn’t you just say you don’t like her? Look how devoted you are…”

But then she thought it was naive of Qing Chen to think that he could be with some foreign girl.

Wang Yun had seen “Hibiscus Flower” and “Sunflower” before, so she knew how fast Kamidai Sorane was gaining popularity in Japan.
She wouldn’t be surprised that before long, she would attract more fans globally.

Still, such a girl would be too far of a reach for a boy in a small city.

Qing Chen was perplexed as to how the Kamidais, according to the information he had, lived on the same continent as the other huge corporations.

After all, Li Shutong had informed him that the entire sea had been declared the forbidden area.
It would be impossible to cross the water and reach him if the Kamidai Family resided on an island.

So, the only logical situation was that Japanese time travelers would transmigrate to the same continent as Chinese time travelers?

Qing Chen has yet to see a map of the Inner World.
He must ask Lin Xiaoxiao for one next time.

After class, Wang Yun and Bai Waner went to meet up with Hu Xiaoniu and Zhang Tianzhen.

Hu Xiaoniu asked, “Any progress?”

Wang Yun looked helplessly and said, ” Nan Gengchen and Qing Chen are both idiots.
You know Nan Gengchen already, and Qing Chen today was staring at a hot Japanese girl the whole time during class.”

Bai Waner asked, “Didn’t the teacher say that Qing Chen is a good student? Why haven’t we seen anything on him that seems like he’s a good student yet…”

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“Who knows,” sighed Wang Yun, “Many students experience raging hormones around this time and start to fall behind around this time.
Hey, do you know the two from our school who started dating? The girl used to be the first in the class, but then she was nowhere to be found on the top list.”

As he was listening, Hu Xiaoniu frowned, “What did we talk about yesterday? We need to stop feeling proud about our past.
If you keep thinking that these two are idiots, then how can we ever become friends with them?”

Wang Yun wanted to quit, “How about let’s switch classrooms? I can go deal with Liu Dezhu, and you can be friends with Qing Chen.”

At this time, the class representative Yu Junyi came down from upstairs and called towards Qing Chen from the hallway, “Qing Chen, the foreign teacher wants you in his office.”

“Alright, I’ll be there soon,” said Qing Chen.

Luo City Foreign Language School had several foreign teachers, but they only taught one class a week that wasn’t essential to the high school curriculum, mostly just chatting and singing in English.

This was the school’s specialty class, simply built to attract some parents.

As Qing Chen left the classroom, Hu Xiaoniu suddenly asked Yu Junyi, “Hi, do you know what the foreign teacher wants Qing Chen for?”

Yu Junyi smiled and said, “How would I know? Qing Chen is his favorite student.
For a while, Qing Chen kept asking him to practice speaking English after class, and they got to know each other pretty well.
The teacher even brought back gifts from his country, and Qing Chen even gave me some chocolate.”

Hu Xiaoniu and the others were stunned.
This was enough to prove that Qing Chen could understand English just fine, and he wasn’t the type of student they thought he was.

Hu Xiaoniu took a deep breath, “I’m suspecting that he is also a time traveler! I need to confirm again.
Are you certain that he didn’t hear you two talking?”

Bai Waner thought about it and said, “I can confirm that he was doing math problems when we talked, and he wasn’t paying attention to us.”

“That’s not enough to prove that he’s not a time traveler,” said Hu Xiaoniu calmly, “I need to find a way to confirm.”

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