who was holding onto a separate pillar, tried to continue the acting.

”All they demanded from me was to get the puzzle key for the dungeon core.
If you would kindly hand it over, I ’ll be on my way again. ” Tsu asked them nicely in a gentlemen ’s tone, and suddenly, an older looking girl with the horns of a dragon came out from hiding as if blind courage suddenly took over her heart and actions.

”No! We cannot give you that! ” She shouted, and Tsu could hear the not-so-quiet frustration and disappointment from the rest of the girl group in the area.

”Don ’t listen to this dragon girl! We can give you that! ” A girl with tiger ears and tail quickly dismissed the dragon girl as she placed her hand on Shen ’s mouth.

”Swee, why are you stopping me! I have had enough of lying! ” Shen eventually overpowered Swee the tiger girl and yet another wave of sigh was emitted through the pillars.

In the meantime, Tsu who saw this considered it either to be an utter failure in their group dynamics or a superb masterclass act by the entire troupe of beast girls.
(He had yet to see any boys in the group.) 

Regardless, he decided to go along with their act for the time being and see where they were telling the truth or not.

”Mister, I know this is a bit too much, but we need you to drop your weapons here if you wish to proceed further into the Prison Core.
Only true sincerity can open the core ’s inside. ” Sola offered as she came over and pulled his hand to guide him to the place.
The cat girl decided to improvise on the ongoing drama and to reinforce Swee ’s claim that the key could be given out.

”Then why are you all still here? If all you need is sincerity, you all would not need to be imprisoned here. ” Tsu thought to himself as he allowed himself to be dragged around.
She brought him to the end of the hallway first where she kindly requested Tsu to drop his weapons.

Tsu pondered over the scenario of an ’Honesty Dungeon Core ’ with an environment setting full of frauds.
Was it possible the Prison Core demanded pure honesty since all the frauds who entered this circle would tend to try and swindle their way out. 

”The Truth will set you free? ” Tsu whispered to himself, but none of them was listening, his words drowned by the children ’s loud ’whispers ’ in the background.
Without Tsu turning his head, he could already feel the eyes in the room were all looking at Shen for attempting to expose them.

”But then again, the Prison Core could cheat since it is reigning over the entire circle…ah so troublesome.
Kiyu, why did you do this to me, you are so much better at manipulating people. ” Tsu scratched the back of his head as the doors opened and it revealed a statue kneeling down with its head in reverence to something more mythical in nature.

Ok now, this is just too over the top…
who is supposed to fall for that?! Enough of mind games! ” Tsu questioned in the direction of the Prison Core that was right above the kneeling statue.
The beast girls had already moved his weapons away and were silently brandishing their knives to stab him…only to realise the entire room and hallway had suddenly been enveloped in darkness.

None of them was able to move, and the devouring abyss started to slowly creep up their legs and eventually their whole body.
They were all paralysed and could feel that their bodies were being eaten by the darkness.
Can one still breathe when one thinks that their lungs were missing? Can one feel fear when there were no hearts to beat? That was how the children were experiencing right now. 

Nothing but void.

Only the two wolf girls had somehow managed to grasp the vague situation and escaped Tsu ’s darkness in time.
”Should I say, as expected from the wolf children? Well, it ’s a wolf style technique, so perhaps I should not be particularly surprised. ” Tsu concluded as he raised his next palm and an invisible force caught the two stragglers within the darkness.

”After living in this place for so long, it will be hard for you to trust others.
Nevertheless, I believe Jin and his other minions can provide you with a better life.
So, please take this death as a passage to a new life.
Please, do not deceive both yourselves and the people around you anymore. ” Tsu said as he closed his palm and all of the beast girls were killed instantly. 

”As for the main culprit. ” Tsu eyed the statue as he raised his palm once more and his weapon flew towards him.

”You do not deserve mercy from me.
Die painfully for making those kids work for you! ” Tsu stabbed the statue and blood emerged out of it.

”How?! How did you recognise that it was me?! ” The Statue tried to move, but he had been pierced through and was unable to move.

”Your scent alone disgusts me.
You are not even worthy of Jin ’s attention.
Just rot here for all eternity. ” Tsu beheaded the statue and picked up the dungeon core key.

Naturally, the fraud statue hadn ’t been the real body of the perpetrator, but he realised that he was still experiencing the very same kind of pain as the statue.
Then did the Statue notice the darkness that had already enveloped the kids crept on him too.  ”Impossible! How did his magic reach me?! ” 

Only this time, it would be eternal as Tsu promised.
He had used a forbidden wolf art to basically turn him brain dead.
Even if he would get resurrected, his mind would no longer recover.

”Encroaching Darkness.
No matter where your dreams wished to take you, blank space will follow suit. ” Tsu put his hands together like a prayer due to habit, but he later turned it into a middle finger. 

The actual guard supervisor did not deserve peace, and he also did not care to see how his enemy looked.
The children were saved, and the key was more important than anything else.

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