of the World Realm wasn't in the Starfield, but merely had a connection to it through spatial tunnels.
This was how they entered.

If the entire starfield vanished one day, those inside the World Realm would suffer absolutely no damage.
The only issue will be their ability to return.
They wouldn't even feel it happening from the safety of the World Realm.

He also learned from this that his Eye of Truth was limited to specific environments.
He couldn't observe the starfield's worldly trend due to being elsewhere.
This wasn't a severe limitation, but it served to act as a renewed reminder that the Celestial Eyes of Spiritual Divinity might be incredible, but every method, every art, every spell had limitations and restrictions.

”How do you plan to do that? ” Wang Yutian questioned his plan.
He was nothing more than a connective will, so besides conversing, he had no power to take action.
He was merely here because Wei Wuyin couldn't hold back from taking the Chandelier that housed a portion of his consciousness within.
But even that wasn't going to last long, but this was exciting.

Wang Yutian was reminded of the time he was a cultivator, fighting against time and enemies of unfathomable means.
He was living vicariously through Wei Wuyin, and it made his thoughts very lively.

”If I was going to leave, there's an Ancient Void Gate that likely leads out of the Starfield, ” Wei Wuyin clutched at the Crescent Moon Necklace that he'd obtained from that unnamed Commander long ago.
This was the only option he had in hopes of escaping the starfield.

”Oh that? That wouldn't wo- ” Wang Yutian's words paused mid-sentence, ”Wait, you said: If I was going to leave? ”

Wei Wuyin inhaled a breath of fresh air, expelling out his turbid thoughts with a sharp exhale.
”I expected it wouldn't work.
This thing seemed to be limited in its function, likely only able to bring one person.
I discovered as much when I learned about the limited Void Gate in the Alchemist Association's Headquarters.
This starfield seemed to be filled with mysteries.

”I have no intent to leave my home on another's terms.
Even if I couldn't stop it, I would still try.
Where my parents found their love; my birthplace; the place where my brother and Dai Lin are buried; where Bai Lin will return to.
To abandon it, to leave it to be devastated like the other starfields, I can't. ” Wei Wuyin's Heart of Cultivation was firm, but what was even more firmer was his resolve in setting and following his principles.
Even in the face of death, he'll use his saber to uphold himself with dignity.

He was not cultivating just to survive, but to thrive.
To thrive as his own individual, and to live in the fashion he wished.
Unless it was truly hopeless, until he exhausted every last possibility and means within his repertoire, he'll never surrender.

”Do you understand what I told you? What's coming to this starfield? It exceeds all things mortal, and even those who've Ascended avoid it. ” Wang Yutian warned, but his voice wasn't filled with caution and concern, but expectant excitement.

”I do. ” Wei Wuyin's silver eyes glinted with a radiance, as if all things concealed and unseen by mortal eyes couldn't hide from it.
Like a pair of moons, they pierced through the Sky Layer of Planet Wuyu, to outside the Starfield, and his eyes narrowed.

”What do you plan to do? ” The bubbling energy within his tone was rising with every syllable.

Wei Wuyin didn't respond.
From his dark pupils, an image of a silhouette emerged.
It resembled a dog without irises or pupils, merely a sea of crystalline sclera that seemed to be filled with stars.
Its head swirled until they lined up with Wei Wuyin's pupils, as if it saw him as well.

”… ” His heart trembled, a thought emerged in his mind.
A frightening thought that seemed to carry some substantial weight.
What if…

What if this trend of inevitable ruination was his fault?

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