he police, although the problem wasn’t solved, there was always a police car nearby.
The policemen were observing the situation and they would take action once anything happened.

Chen Taitong was trapped.
The group had nothing better to do.
The elderly people sat there all day.
Someone would send them food and drinks at noon.
They had nothing but time.
However, if they sat there all day, it would be an extremely negative influence on his store.
At this point, Chen Taitong could not hide it anymore.
He had to tell Cao Yong about what happened and see what he could do.
A huge enterprise like Stars Pet Chain Superstore had to have some ways to resolve problems like that.
What seemed to be difficult to him might not be a problem to Stars Pet Chain Store.

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Cao Yong’s face was pulling longer and longer.
He was knocking his desk with his fingers.
He looked like a bomb that was about to explode.
Corporate cared about the enterprise’s image very much because of the plan to go public.
Hiring an internet water army was quite normal in the industry.
It was highly effective and inexpensive.
It was an open secret; however, it could be very troublesome once found out.

After thinking about it, he said, ”Manager Chen, you have to resolve this problem as soon as possible and can’t let corporate know.
This is an order.
Don’t count on corporate to clean up the mess for you; otherwise, corporate will only fire you to set an example! ” Chen Taitong was shocked.
He was counting on corporate to help him through the problem.
Now it didn’t seem like it was going to happen.
Corporate might close this store to keep its reputation.
It was only a small store after all.

The pet industry was a high-turnover industry.
Chen Taitong chose to join Stars Pet Chain Supermarket because it was a huge chain.
Its purchasing price was a lot better than other stores and it had its own transportation team.
It was the best fit to his business model.
It was all fine when nothing went wrong.
However, when something was wrong, it was not going to fight for a small chain store.

Although sales went down significantly, the licensing fee could not be late.
Otherwise, the deposit would be taken by corporate and the licensing contract would be cancelled.

”Director Cao, you have to help me! I have to close the business if this situation continues.
My whole family is counting on this business for a living.
Please help me! ” Chen Taitong’s legs felt weak and he almost kneeled down in front of Cao Yong.

Cao Yong wasn’t going to get involved.
However, if this store failed, he as the regional sales director would be accountable for it to some degree.
He had been competing with the regional purchasing director, Qian Fang, for the general manager position.
If he could get that position and make some good contribution, it was highly likely that he would be promoted as a middle or high-level manager in corporate.
Even if he could not get promoted to upper management, as a regional general manager he would get stocks from the company, which was also great.

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Considering the above, Cao Yong said, ”I couldn’t do anything to the people outside, but I might be able to do something to increase sales. ”
Chen Taitong saw the light.
”How? ”
”Very simple.
Say the total sale in this area is constant.
The sales in your store dropped.
It means sales in another store has gone up.
Think, which store is it? ”
”It seems to me that the Amazing Fate Pet Store is quite popular these days, ” he responded.
The information had to come from his staff, who was also an internet water army.

Cao Yong Laughed, ”I know that one.
It is an old store.
it wasn’t a big threat before.
Your purchasing price is a lot lower; you should be able to win the competition.
A price war takes care of everything. ”

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