ite a good reasoning」

Looking back…chief Tanizawa is in front of the door.
He’s applauding us

「It is as『Kakka』said…you people are quite talented」

…Does that mean?
Jii-chan already knows that Kouzuki Noboru is the traitor?
Knowing that…he’s testing if we can reach the same reasoning?

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Chief Tanizawa calls the top elite guard member in the room.

「We will be taking Tsunoda and Takagi.
The other people will be evacuated to another room.
My guards would be taking charge, not the security department」

Chief Tanizawa tells the executives.

「…Haa? Interrogation? It’s already night, you too」

Leaking a sigh, Tsunoda’s father cracks a joke

「It’s not that much.
We’re just going to make confirmations.
Most of it are already known…」

Chief Tanizawa says calmly

「It’s about time my men come in contact with Kouzuki Noboru-san who’s hiding in his villa in Hakone」

As expected…
Jii-chan knew it all from the start.

「But, to be honest…it’s a pity that three traitors have appeared from the board of directors」

Chief Tanizawa instructs his subordinates with his eyes
The two guards tries to bring Tsunoda’s father and Takagi’s father.

「Ah, I’ll go too」

The son, Takagi Fuuta tries to stick with his father


「Tsunoda’s stunned by his father’s betrayal」
He didn’t know about it

「…Tsunoda, you stay here」

Kouzuki Souji says.

「『Kakka』said…bonds from childhood are important The father and sons are different people.
I have never doubted your loyalty.
Stay by our side…Tsunoda」

Prince faction’s boss’s words, Tsunoda…

「Souji-sama…I, I…!」

Tears fall from his eyes.
Kouzuki Satoshi pats the back of Tsunoda lightly

「Yeah…you are you」

Tsunoda’s father turned to Kouzuki Souji…

「Sorry…please take care of my son」

He bows his head.

「That’s nothing to worry about Don’t mind it」

Kouzuki Souji tells Tsunoda’s father…

「Tanizawa-kun…just who is this kid? Your subordinate? He’s with Seki-san and Fujimiya-san but」

Kouzuki Souji’s father looks at us, then asked.

「…No way.
I don’t hire high school students」
「Then, who are you?」

The eyes of the room gathered at us

「…It’s Kuromori!」

Nei-san smiled…then said

「Kuromori…that Kuromori?」
「Eh…Father, you know them?」

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Kouzuki Souji asks his father but…
There’s no way he would tell about Kuromori’s brothel to his son

「No, that’s…too early for you!」
「What are you talking about, father?!」

Yeah, it seems that the executives of Kouzuki group are familiar with『Kuromori』
Actually, there’s no one from them who has ever bought a prostitute in the mansion but.

「But, why Kuromori house?」

The manager of prostitutes come into this place…Michi rampages, and everyone had a reasoning contest.
Kouzuki Souji’s father shows his doubt.

「Well…you can ask『Kakka』for that」

Margo-san pushes the troubels to Jii-chan

「Anyway, evacuate in hurry…we should think that Takagi-san and Tsunoda-san’s phone has already sent the specific location of this room to the enemy」

Seki-san hurries the executives.

「Now, everyone in here should start moving according to my instructions, Goto, Kashimada, take care of them」

Chief Tanizawa orders, and the top elite men begin guiding the executives and the young mern.

「…As expected, you’re Shirasaka Yukino!」

Kouzuki Satoshi brings Tsunoda and comes in front of Yukino

「Now what…?」

Yukino answers annoyed

「Let’s date next time.
I know some good shops」

Kouzuki Satoshi invites Yukino but…

「No, you’re not my type」

Yukino rejects coldly

「I see…by the way, you know it don’t you?」

Kouzuki Satoshi looks at me.

「You’re definitely going to bring some Otoshimae」


「You don’t get it? Are you an idiot? You’re the lady killer who made these guys’ princess fall.
He’s saying that he won’t allow you to not pay Otoshimae…!」

Yukino explained.

「We can just have a party hosted by Yo-chan!」

Nei-san speaks fro the side.

「Eat and drink all you can…that’s fine isn’t it?」

Kouzuki Satoshi shows a grinning face…

「Of course, are you ladies coming too? Dressed as a bunny girl or something…!」
「I won’t do that! It’s Yo-chan’s Otoshimae after all!」

Nei-san laughs.

「Yo-chan…do you want me to wear bunny girl suit?」
「No, don’t want」
「We don’t want to see that either!」
「Then, let’s make it a friendship party between men…!」

A men’s only party?

「Well, fine…anyway, you’re gonna pay your troubles, okay!」

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Saying that, Kouzui Souji takes Tsunoda and head to the evacuation line.

「But…I don’t have money to open a party though」

Those guys won’t settle unless it’s a high class shop.

「Just borrow some money from Katsun or Sensei.
It’s for Mii-chan after all!」
「If Yo-chan doesn’t show that he’s generous then Mi-chan would be ashamed」

…I see
If Misuzu aims to be the owner of Kouzuki house…
Then, she has to be with those students even if she doesn’t like it.
Rather, they have to become good subordinates.
I can’t afford to have her have ill relationship with them because of me.

「Got it.
I’ll think about it」
「Consult it with Mi-chan and Ruri-cha! Of course, you can consult with us too!」

Misuzu and Ruriko won’t know what kind of shops they would give okay to.
No, if I’m not hospitable beyond their imagination…it’s not just me but Misuzu would also be made fool of.
Money isn’t a problem.
It’s something that must be done as a successor of Kouzuki.

When the executives and their children left the room…
Chief Tanizawa comes to us.

「I understnad why Ootoku-san and Choumoto-san are nowhere seen」

Seki-san tells the chief

「Oh?…Where do you think the two are?」
「They were guarding Misuzu-sama and Ruriko-sama’s parents, right?」
「…That’s it」

Chief Tanizawa admits.

「The fact that Kouzuki Noboru started a coup…means that at the same time they attack the hotel, Ruriko-sama and Misuzu-sama’s family would be attacked as well.」

In order to kill all of the successor candidates, you have to send the assassin’s at the same time.

「Ootoku and Choumoto shows as『Kakka’s』guards in the theater」…making the enemy careless

From the theater…each of them secretly moved to protect Misuzu and Ruriko’s family.
Therefore, we can’t see Ootoku-san.

「I thought that it’s okay to have you and Fujimiya-kun as『Kakka’s』guards…」

Chief Tanizawa looks at the two.

「It’s『Kakka’s』imperial order why we came out」

Reika tells her boss.

「I know.
『Kakka』notified me.
By the way…」

Chief stares at Reika

「Fujimiya-kun…why are you dressed like that?」

Reika’s not on her usual British gentleman look…
She’s wearing a yellow jersey on top and bottom
Her face has no make up

「I’ve thought about various things…」

Reika bows her head to her boss.

「I’m reflecting on myself up until now」
「Up until now…I have been a woman who’s drunk on her own『aesthetics』」


「Therefore…I took off my false armor and decided to start over from such a figure…!」

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