”I will go look for other blacksmiths later, ” Bartrem said. ”What I need now is a healing potion. The wounds they suffered won ’t heal. ”

Aldred looked at his comrades who had their shoulders wrapped in bandages. His godly eyes told him that some strange substances are gnawing at the wound.

He frowned. That substance looked familiar. ”Bartrem, can you show me the ointment that you gave them earlier? ”

Bartrem thought he should teach the boy about military ethics. It was strictly said that anyone under the Knight Rank should call them sir. If they did not do it then the Knight Rank had the permission to punish them.

Even though Aldred was still a boy, the other Knight Rank might take that chance to punish him because he was under the empress ’s protection. Pharder could not punish him because everyone watched his every move, but a random knight might still punish Aldred to give him a bad time.

Bartrem took out the small container and gave it to Aldred. ”Boy, if you want to call a Knight Rank, make sure you call them with sir. This is for your own good. ”

Mary was about to tell him that. It seemed Bartrem cared about the boy. That was good. She didn ’t have to worry too much about his safety then.

Aldred nodded. He kept in mind what Bartrem said. The military usually had strict rules. If Bartrem told him to call a knight sir, then he had to from now on.

”Yes, sir. ”

He opened the container and scanned the ointment. And his suspicion was correct. The substances that damaged the tissue of his comrades were from this ointment. ”Sir, where do you get this ointment? ”

”I got it from the alchemist. Why? ”

Aldred pulled out a strand of grass. ”Take a look at this. ” He smeared the ointment onto the grass. At first, there was nothing, but in a few seconds the tip of the grass shortened, then it got even shorter like something was eating it.

”How is this possible? ” Bartrem widened his eyes.

Aldred dropped the ointment and let the content fall to the grass. Immediately, all the grass around it got devoured and then it spread.

All of them looked at each other. They all understood the cause of why the wounds would not heal. The question was, who gave Bartrem that ointment?

”It was given to me by the alchemist. ”

”Seems like everyone is out to kill us, ” Aldred said.

Bartrem frowned, not just because of the situation, but how Aldred stayed calm. The more he looked at him, the more he doubted this boy was ten-year-old.

Aldred was used in a situation like this. Back then, everyone was out to rob him and made his day terrible. That time he slept under the bridge peacefully, yet someone grabbed a rock and threw it at his head. He never did anything to them. He did not even know who they were. But one thing he sure know was that the world always find a way to fuck him up.

Getting angry every time might fuck him up even more. What he needed to do now was to learn the lesson and tried to find a solution. At first, it was hard not to feel resentful toward the people that did him wrong. But the more he think about it, he realized it was not their fault. Their mindset and behavior were shaped by their environment. A flower would grow well with healthy soil and enough water. But it would decay without sunlight.

The environment, in this case, was the government. In plain sight, they looked like they care for the minority like him. But whenever he asked for help, they showed a smile to the media and said yes, but their help never came.

The donation rounded from all over the world was taken by them. It was simply a show. A show to make the image of a hero for their nation, but what lay beneath was darkness and suffering.

Aldred did not have the power to do anything at that time. No. He lied. He did not have the courage. Mary was once a simple woman, now she was a warrior with power. The empress was forcibly married and once was a doll for the emperor, but now she was a powerful woman with great influence.

What did they have that he did not. Was it wealth? Was it talent? No. It was simply bravery.

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