
CH 175

s a mechanic heavy Jungler.
An Xin had nothing to hide behind.
Regardless of their opponents, everyone would be able to tell how good she was at the end of this game.
But it didn’t take that long.
An Xin wouldn’t let that happen.
She took the game in her own hands almost from the start.
She cleared her Red Buff Camp in the bottom left jungle, then pathed all the way to the top right jungle where Red Team’s Red Buff Camp was.
When she got there, the Evelynn was taking her Red Buff, unaware of the looming danger.
Her health was low, and dropping lower.
An Xin waited, patiently, then pressed her Q key.
Her Lee Sin sent out a Sonic Wave that struck the Evelynn.
Then he dashed towards her and killed her.

《First Blood!》

“WOOT WOOT!” Liu Yue cheered.
“You’re awesome Bunbun!”

Ouyang shouted at almost the same time, “That was great! Did you guys see that? Woooo!”

Ren Rou smiled and said, “Go go, Bunbun! You’re the best!”

Yang Fan adjusted his glasses, smiling, and said, “Great play.
The Evelynn never even saw it coming.
Now she’s far behind and Bunbun should have an easy game.”

An Xin clapped in her hands, laughing.
“Yep! This is a good start to the game.
Now to keep it going!”

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An Xin was far more direct with her idea of keeping it going than the others had expected.
Instead of recalling and spending the Gold she’d gotten for the kill on Evelynn, she stayed in the brush next to the Red Buff Camp.
There she waited for the Evelynn to respawn and make her way back to the Red Buff Camp.
That was exactly what the Evelynn did.
And when she found her Red Buff still alive, she attacked it, forgetting to check the brush right next to her.
An Xin happily abused this, waiting for the Evelynn’s health to drop and then using her one-level advantage to kill her again.

《You have slain an enemy!》

Liu Yue laughed, loudly so, and said, “Damn, she cheesed that hard—WaitWaitWait! I meant that that was amazing! Great play!”

“Yeah yeah, it looks great and all.
It’s just…” Ouyang rubbed his chin, watching An Xin’s every move.
Something felt off, but he wasn’t sure what.
“Why does it feel like deja vu? Did we play before, Bunbun? No, I wouldn’t forget you.”

Yang Fan adjusted his glasses and said, “It probably feels familiar because that’s the exact same move Lin Feng likes to pull.”

Lin Feng moved his mouse, clicking constantly, while his other hand glided over his keyboard.
All the while, he was also listening to the others and even interjecting, “Yeah! She taught me how to do that move! Most of my Jungle pathing I learned from her!” Then he pressed on his W key–Wind Wall! His Yasuo swept a wall of wind up in front of him, blocking Ahri’s Charm.
Her health was low, so he dashed through a minion to close the gap and then dashed through her, hitting her with his Sweeping Blade.
He followed up with a straight attack of his blade–Steel Tempest–and an Ignite.
The Ahri flashed away.
She tried to get to safety.
But her health was already too low.
The last tick of Ignite took away the last of her health.

《You have slain an enemy!》

“Not bad,” An Xin commented on Lin Feng’s kill.

Lin Feng winked at her and said, “Thanks.
I’m really good at Yasuo too!”

An Xin curled her hair behind her ear and smirked.
“Oh, is that so? Alright, let’s have a competition.
Whoever gets more kills wins.”

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Everyone expected Lin Feng to start picking up kills.
He was really good and they’d seen him be even better on more than a few occasions.
But they didn’t know what to expect from An Xin.
They were only hoping to get a show.
And that was exactly what they got.
An Xin was taking this friendly competition very seriously and started hunting the Evelynn in the Red Team’s Jungle.
At five minutes, she found her at the Krugs in the top side of the Jungle.
From there it was a quick and easy kill.
She was just too far ahead and the Evelynn wasn’t getting any experience to catch back up.

《Killing Spree!》

An Xin pathed to mid lane and helped Lin Feng pick up a kill on the Ahri, who’d just returned to lane, before heading straight back into the Red Team’s Jungle.
That was where she lived this game.
She walked through the bottom side Jungle, from the Blue Buff Camp to the Wolves.
There, she found the Evelynn at low health trying to get some experience.
An Xin killed the Evelynn and then also the Wolves for some extra experience.


Be it the spectators or the people playing the game themselves, they all just kind of watched in shock.
There was nothing special about An Xin’s Lee Sin mechanics.
She didn’t pull off any fancy moves.
All she did was predict exactly where the Evelynn would be and kill her.
This happened over and over again.
From the start of the game to now, the Evelynn had only managed to clear a single Jungle Camp unmolested.
That was the very first, the Blue Buff Camp.
From that point onwards, the game went downhill for her.
Every single time she entered her Jungle, Lee Sin would already be there and waiting for her.
He’d kill her and send her back to the fountain.
It felt as if the Lee Sin could see through the fog of war and locate the Evelynn wherever she was.

Ouyang and Liu Yue stared at An Xin.
They were Junglers themselves and knew just how difficult it was to predict an opposing Jungler’s pathing.
But An Xin was doing just that, perfectly.
She knew exactly where the Evelynn would go.
Ouyang and Liu Yue watched on, both awestruck and shocked as they quickly realized that An Xin was a better Jungler than both of them put together.
If they had to play against her, she would slaughter them.
They wouldn’t even know what hit them.
Her Jungling style relied entirely on predicting what the opposing champions would do next. 

“Holy shit.
Her Lee Sin is amazing…” Liu Yue muttered.

Lin Feng looked away from his screen and towards Liu Yue.
“Eh, she’s alright.
But she lacks the mechanics.
What good is a Lee that can’t even R-Flash?”

“HMM?” An Xin turned her head towards Lin Feng, her lips curving into that dangerous smile again.
That smile that made everyone around her want to run away.
There was a fire in her eyes when she smiled that smile.
Something changed in her demeanor.
It was almost palpable.
She asked, “What did you say? Say that again.”

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