

The air vibrated at high frequencies.
He is infusing the power of concentrated air in his magic circle.


Is Wu Yan using the same Return to Horizon Waltz on his magic skill? The same skill that brought Cú Chulainn down?


Wu Yan grinned again.




Lancelot unleashed a dragon breath from the enchanted magic formation.
It was aimed at the Necromantia.


However, the dragon breath looked highly compressed and it had shiny halos adorning the spiral dragon breath.




The Necromantia piled multiple magic formations to retaliate.
It fired a concentrated dragon breath too.


The two dragon breaths smashed into one another.


The Necromantia couldn't infuse magic power into its breath at a quick enough pace.
The spiral dragon breath parted its weak breath as Lancelot's breath hit the Necromantia.


The spiral breath minced the upper half of the Necromantia.


In no time at all, the undead dragon got shredded.
It didn't even get a chance to whimper.


That attack was on par with Rebecca's Gae Bolg attack.


However, Lancelot pulled it off with just middle realm tier 7 power.


Rebecca, Silvia, and Ash widened their eyes while Wu Yan chuckled.


The Return to Horizon Waltz relied on emitting a sword beam with concentrated air and vibration.


Wu Yan applied this concept to Lancelot's breath.
Giving it a spiral shape and multiple halos.


In practice, this gave Lancelot's breath superior piercing abilities and enhanced output.


He named this technique…


Piercing Dragon Breath Waltz, completed.”


“Piercing dragon breath waltz?”


Silvia mumbled.


“What power…”


Rebecca and Ash exchanged a look.


“Now, for the finishing strike.”


Wu Yan readied another piercing breath to incinerate the undead dragon.
But, Ash stopped him.


“Wait! Rowan!”


Ash cried out.


“You can't! Eco is inside! You're going to kill her too!”


Wu Yan and Silvia paused.
Lancelot also stopped.




The Necromantia regenerated its upper torso.


In no time at all, the Necromantia recovered.


Before Wu Yan, Rebecca, and Silvia can react, the dragon fired a breath attack at Ash.


“Watch out!”


Wu Yan, Silvia, and Rebecca gasped.
The dragon breath hit Ash.




Ash started shining.
The armor dispersed the dragon breath.


Wu Yan & co paused.
When the light dissipated, Ash appeared in a shiny set of armor.


It had magical undulations.


“An Arc Armor?”


They all exclaimed.

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