This was a diplomatic mission, and firing even a single shot would mean pulling the humans and insectoids into an all-out war.

Humans would not be afraid of one or two cockroaches, but anyone would feel abject fear if they came crawling out in the hundreds of thousands.

On another end, in the Wild Star Region, Xia Fei and the other humans were being surrounded by this large host of cockroaches.
They were not letting Xia Fei pass, nor were they letting them leave or attempt any communication.

Xia Fei suddenly thought of a terrible problem: Since the very beginning of the proposed trade agreement, the final awkward compromise and now this absurd stalemate here in the Wild Star Region, it had always been the insectoids that held the initiative, while the humans were the ones being led around by their noses.
In the end, they did not even give any explanation to speak of and forced billions of Alliance soldiers to be on standby near the borders.

Xia Fei felt a very strong uneasiness in his heart.
Any humans would hate being surrounded by such a large group of bugs like this, but there was nothing he could do in this situation.
When the two powerful races in this universe were caught in a contest of brinkmanship, an individual’s strength was incomparably miniscule, incapable of changing anything.

This situation carried on in such a manner, and before he knew it, a whole month had passed.

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Xia Fei was already slowly getting used to this life, where he would be watched by the insectoids in front the moment he woke up as he kept cultivating and learning according to his schedule daily, even managing to finish concocting the medication to raise the rank of his special ability, though he failed to find any opportunity to consume it.

Xia Fei would have to suffer immense pain every time he ranked up in this manner, causing him to lose the freedom of his movement for a time, unable to react to whatever was happening around him.

Faced against these hundred of thousands of cannons all pointed at him, Xia Fei had no intention of losing even a second of consciousness.
That was why Xia Fei had decided to first wait until things became slightly more peaceful before he searched for a more appropriate time to consume the medication.

The military would send a simple report to Xia Fei through the Black Bat radar, the contents of which covering the negotiations, as well as assuaging the three fleets not to panic and to wait for the results patiently.

In the beginning, Xia Fei would give these reports a good look, but in the end, he got lazy from even glancing at the briefing.
The message was always the same, stating how the military lacked the ability to relieve them of the situation, with hardly anything new to report.

The military presence of the insectoids increased every day, and after a whole month of this standstill, there were over five hundred fleets, increasing from the three hundred fifty combined fleets that had first surrounded Xia Fei a month ago.

The Alliance had also increased their numbers accordingly, stuffing seven hundred combined fleets in a show of force right by the borders, maintaining their numerical superiority over the number of insectoid warships they could see.
Wrangling the fleets from the various bases scattered all across Alliance territory, with new fleets joining in every day.

At this rate, it would only be a matter of time before the entire Alliance military’s naval fleet would be gathered here right by the borders, so who would be protecting the other potential entrances?

Furthermore, gathering so many fleets as they did would require an astronomical sum of money.
People needed to eat every day, and the cost to keep them all fed daily was insane.
Even if there was no invasion, the Alliance might very well be killed just from the military expenditure alone.

The Alliance continued to spend as this grim situation persisted, and the huge pressure made it difficult for every single one of them to breathe.

While Xia Fei was trapped by one border of the insectoid territory, unable to advance or retreat deep in space, there were other fleets secretly being gathered.
More than six hundred fleets had been gathered here against the backdrop of the dark red space over the last few months, and this gathering was even stronger than the fleets guarding the borders.
It could be said that these fleets were the true gathering of the strongest insectoid fleets.

At this moment, the colossal and ferocious fleets were all already ready to go, and they were merely waiting for General Tanini to give the order.

Wudi was the smartest chieftain of the Golden Tent, someone with an intellect that the entire insectoid race admired and envied.
Similarly, the fact that he was of the mite species meant his short and skinny stature was constantly criticized by his fellows.

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As the biological brother of Wudi, Tanini’s situation was no better than his older brother.
Even though he was half a head taller than Wudi, he was still only 0.65 meters tall.

“Carry me up,” General Tanini raised his head and said in a high voice.
His height and voice were not at all congruent, so he sounded high-pitched when he spoke, tinkling like a bell.

A big and tall warrior of the mantis species immediately squatted and lifted General Tanini high above his head.
He extended his long arms to lift him up to the podium.

Tidying his uniform, General Tanini proceeded to face the video camera and declared loudly, “Soldiers, the day that you’ve long been waiting for is upon us.”

“As long as we cross this invisible wormhole, we’ll be directly transported into human territory, some 4.9 million lightyears away from the Venal galaxy.

“At the moment, the human army has already been forced to congregate by the borders, and those stupid humans will never have thought of the real enemy appearing in a handful of hours right near their capital, descending upon them from out of nowhere.”

General Tanini was getting more and more excited as he spoke, his green eyes releasing a savage glow.

“We’ll be killing our way right into the heart of the capital, pillaging their treasures, eating their women and children, pulling out their intestines and stuffing them back in before pulling them out again to choke the lights out of their eyes with them.”

“Long live the insectoids! Long live Wudi! The entire universe shall belong to us!”

A thunderous applause rang out in that dark and murky space as the insectoids set off with a desire for bloodletting…

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