ago, the Clear Sky Conglomerate already started expanding in China.
Even though there isn’t an official branch office in China, the business division of Clear Sky Conglomerate have already started operations.
When I came here this time, I planned to officially establish the Clear Sky Conglomerate in Shanghai.
I’ve already thought of the plan well.
I heard the Shanghai city hall have an urban renovation plan, right? This will be the first business the Clear Sky Conglomerate will conduct.
I already looked into it.
This time there are only three powerful rivals in the bidding, one is the East Ascension Corporation, the other is the Qing Yun Corporation and the last is the Tian Hao Corporation.
They are all top companies in Shanghai, and even in China, all local companies of China.
So if the Clear Sky Conglomerate wants to take the urban renovation project, we first have to deal with these three.”


Ye Qian stared a little blankly, it seemed Song Ran was way more prepared than he was.
He muttered to himself for a while and then said, “Ran-jie, I don’t intend for the Clear Sky Conglomerate to join the bidding this time.”


Song Ran stared blankly and then asked in surprise, “Why? Do you know how much profits can be gained from this urban renovation project? As long as we get this project, the Clear Sky Conglomerate can be truly considered as established in Shanghai.”


Ye Qian said, “Of course I understand.
But this time the urban renovation project involves too much.
Those three companies are not to be trifled with.
The Dong Xiang Corporation is covertly the largest weapons and drugs smugglers in China, the Qing Yun Corporation is just the cover of the Qing Gang and the Tian Hao Corporation has the Hongmen behind it’s back, so I’m afraid that whoever wins the bidding will not have a smooth operation anyway.
Moreover, if the Clear Sky Conglomerate hastily joins, it is extremely like those three will unite against us.
If the time comes that we do get the project, I’m afraid the Clear Sky Conglomerate won’t have a place in Shanghai.”


Song Rang knitted her pretty brows.
Even though she looked into those three companies, she only looked into their business side, it never occurred to her that the three companies would unexpectedly have such deep backgrounds.
“Then your opinion is?” Song Ran asked.


“Right now these three companies are openly fighting over this, we can just sit and watch these tigers fight.
Whoever wins the bidding might not be the victor in the end.
Right now it’s best we don’t do anything, drink some tea, watch the show.” Ye Qian said.


Song Ran muttered to herself, then smiled charmingly and said, “Little bro’s head is still the best.
Alright, big sis will listen to you.”


After a pause, Song Rang continued and said, “Good little brother, when will you bring your girlfriend to meet your older sis? It’s best you let us sisters bond.”


Ye Qian forced a laugh and said, “Ran-jie, please don’t interfere, the situation is already messy enough.”


Song Ran gave Ye Qian a charming glare and said, “You men all have no conscience, you like the new and hate the old.
Oh right, one of your girlfriends is names Qin Yue?”


Ye Qian looked at her in astonishment and said, “Why are you bringing her up all of a sudden? Also, she’s not my girlfriend.”


“Still pretending in front me, now she’s not, but eventually she will be.”Song Ran said, “Last time, you encountered a Dark Lily assassin didn’t you? I already looked into it.
The target then was Qin Yue, the employer was the chairman of the board of the Dong Xiang Corporate, Wei Dong Xiang.”


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