hat Great Mage Nuragor meant to recruit.

”Prospector Ormann is already our accomplice for killing the poor Kortus, who ’s spared from my test since he is, you know, dead. ” Kallion laughed at his own joke while exposing the neck of Rotha, Wyra ’s assistant and her best friend.

Fear dilated his pupils so much that they almost eclipsed his irises while Rotha looked at Wyra with eyes full of tears.
That sight and his whimpering filled her with hope.

Despite Kallion ’s claims, now that the soundproof spell of the tent had been opened, Wyra could hear the cries of people fighting.
The clash of metal and the sizzling of spells filled the air, revealing that the battle had yet to be lost.

”Forgive me, Rotha, but no one ever got rich by being nice. ” She said while unsheathing her combat knife.
”I would do anything to spare you this pain, but I have no choice.
For our god! ”

Wyra released all the spells she had at the ready, making the command tent burst into flame, thunder, and rock spikes.
She covered Rotha with her body while using her knife to set him free.

Hidden among the magical onslaught, there was the Flare spell that the Crystal Shield used as a signal on the battlefield.
It was red and violet, meaning both ”run for your life ” and ”there is still hope ”.

”Well, that was impressive. ” Kallion ’s voice surprised Wyra, but Rotha and her didn ’t stop running.

’How can he be still alive after being hit by so many spells at point-blank? ’ She thought while looking at the corpses of the soldiers guarding the tent.

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Even Tlea ’s Royal Prospector armor couldn ’t do much from so close.
Her face was badly burned and she was bleeding from all her orifices.

Kallion would have been in the same condition if not for his Vampire blood core mending his injuries just enough to let light magic do the rest.
A thrall had the same powers of their undead sire, but they were limited by the amount of life essence they shared.

”Care to join me for a hunt? ” He asked Lotta, who was healing even faster thanks to the Ghoul blood coursing through her core.

”Gods, I should have done this years ago. ” He said after Lotta nodded and they had started the chase.

”My strength, my magical powers, even my senses are enhanced to the point that I feel reborn.
I wish Verhen was here so that I could kill him like the dog he is.
Right after killing his beloved Phloria right in front of his eyes. ”


Flying Griffon resort, a few minutes after Kallion had enforced the camp ’s lockdown.

The communication amulet pulling at his consciousness forced Lith to get out of the shower with shampoo still in his hair.
During the last few days, he and Kamila had spent every moment before sunset enjoying the beauty Mount Lochra had to offer.

The rest of the time they would talk about their dreams for the future, taste delicious food, and spend hours in the bedroom.
Kamila liked how Invigoration made sleeping optional, allowing her to enjoy all the 24 hours each day had to offer.

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”Damn, let ’s hope it ’s not Faluel. ” He said to Kamila who was still under the shower.

’I swear, if my apprenticeship starts now of all moments, with all the money I spent for this goddamn place, I… ’ Seeing Orion ’s rune lit made Lith sigh in relief for one entire second before he became grumpy again.

”What is it now? Do you realize how late it is here? ” Lith asked.

Due to different time zones, it was almost dinner time at Phloria ’s camp, late night for Orion, and way past midnight for Lith.

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