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Best case scenario, Jirni would find proof of their wrongdoings and force them to give her whatever evidence they held against Deirus to keep him from using them as scapegoats in the case things went south.

Worst case scenario, she would erode the foundations of his political power and deprive Deirus of his most loyal allies.
Despite all of his magic, even an Archmage was just one man.

Her plan was to drive him into a corner and force him to do something stupid.

Jirni ’s eyes carefully studied the footnotes of the latest batch of documents she had confiscated while her hands marked any inconsistency that she found yet her mind pictured only the moment she would get her hands on Deirus.

She could almost smell and taste his blood gushing out of a broken body.


Kamila ’s amulet broke both Jirni ’s daydream and focus, yet she didn ’t mind because she recognized the rune blinking on its surface.

”It ’s about time.
I want to talk with him once you ’re done. ” Jirni had no idea Phloria was on the other side of the ocean so not hearing from her in the last few days had made her fear the worse.

”Is it a problem if I take a break? This might take a while. ” Kamila knew all about their trip and she was worried sick.

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”Take all the time you need because I ’ll do the same. ” Jirni replied

’I don ’t really believe the ”out of sight, out of mind ” saying, but the fact that Lith is living with his ex while surrounded by gorgeous looking Emperor Beasts is driving me crazy.
Also, I need to tell him about what happened during his absence. ’

Kamila thought while a Royal Guard accompanied her to a secure room where she could have some privacy.

Meanwhile, Jirni called Professor Vastor, hoping to finally manage to get in touch with him.
She didn ’t know about him being the Master nor the reason behind his prolonged absence.

’Manohar is a fickle ally at best whereas ever since Deirus started to mess with Phloria ’s life, Zogar has been her staunch defender.
Without him, the White Griffon would have never picked our side in the Court. ’ She thought.

”Archon Ernas, it ’s nice to see you again. ” Vastor replied, putting Jirni ’s poker face to the test.

His hologram was exactly as she remembered it, that of a short man in his mid-sixties barely over 1.55 meters (5 ’1 ”) tall.
The top of his head was completely bald while the hair he had left on the sides was snow-white and so were his waxed handlebar mustaches.

After becoming interim Headmaster, he had slimmed down enough to not look like an egg anymore, but his physique together with his pure white robe, made him still resemble a real-life Humpty Dumpty.

If Humpty Dumpty had suddenly turned from the character of a nursery rhyme to that of a horror story.

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Jirni knew that behind Vastor ’s well-fed appearance hid one of the most well-kept secrets of the Kingdom and the only Highmaster of their generation, yet she had a hard time recognizing her ally.

Even through the hologram, his figure exuded a power that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
On top of that, everything from his posture to the light behind his eyes didn ’t match how she remembered him.

There was no trace of his smoldering rage nor of his inferiority complex towards his colleagues.
Vastor was dejected no more, brimming with self-confidence and moving with a vitality that not even Rejuvenation magic could grant.

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