one of his own against the Chairman who couldn't afford to ignore them.


Kwart used air fusion to sidestep while using a part of the newly conjured spells to defend himself.
Lith mirrored his movements to always remain at the opposite side of the field and also to weave five light bullets, bringing his spells to 58.


With each step that Kwart took to dodge, he also allowed Lith to move around and cast more spells.
Soon all the Chairman could do was to focus on defense whereas Lith had found his rhythm.


'Thanks, jackass.
I had almost forgotten that while you just use magic, I am magic!' He thought as he weaved runes through the beating of his heart and the blood flow in his veins.


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Once over 70 of Lith's spells filled the air, Kwart raised his hands in surrender.


Lith, however, pretended to not notice and didn't stop.
He made the cantrips strike at the Chairman all at the same time so that the First Blood array wouldn't stop them.
The swarm of spells turned into a wave comprised of blunt objects that drowned Kwart.


Bruises didn't shed blood and neither did cracked bones.
A crunching sound akin to snapped twigs filled the air as the magical tide lifted the helpless Chairman in the air due to the collective strength of their hits.


“You must stop the fight!” Onia grabbed Meron's arm, obtaining only a glare and two heavy hands on her shoulders for it.


The Royal Guards brought Onia onto her knees for touching the King without his permission.


“What did you say?” Meron's stone-cold voice echoed through the hall.
“Did you really had the gall to give an order to the King?”


“Your Majesty, please, I beg of you.
Stop it.
It's just a massacre now.
Verhen is exploiting the rules.
Don't let him taint these hallowed halls with blood.” Onia kneeled while hitting the ground with her forehead in a plea for mercy.


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“Exploiting the rules.
Why does this sound familiar?” Meron took his time thinking while Kwart suffered internal injuries from Lith's relentless onslaught that now filled the space inside the dome.


“I hope this will teach you a lesson.
Actions have consequences and even though I'm no tyrant, I'm the King.
Bend my laws and I'll bend you in more ways than you can conceive.” Meron said, addressing the entire room, not just Onia.


“But you are right.
We've seen enough death already and we are here to celebrate, not to hold a funeral.
Archmage Verhen, stop!”


An air blade cut Kwart's cheek, activating the First Blood array and making Lith's victory undeniable.


“The winner is Spellbreaker Archmage Verhen! It's no wonder you managed to achieve so many amazing feats with such a talent for magic.” The King said while a group of healers took away the unconscious Chairman and cleaned the abundant blood that had started spilling from his mouth.


“Many say that your height makes you quite attractive, but I think that your real charm is your eyes.
Why don't you show my guests what I mean?” Meron said with a warm smile as he removed the magical seal from Lith's clothes.


'Son of a gun! I had almost forgotten what Mirim told me.
The King is a fake Awakened which means that even though he has no Invigoration, he still has Life Vision.' Lith thought while finally letting his mana reach his eyes that shone of a deep violet.


The entire room gasped in amazement as they realized what Meron had known all along.
Even though people had no concept of cores, after centuries of magical studies, the fact that the glow in someone's eyes matched their raw strength was well known.

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