mpensation, but it ’s not worth my life.
I ’m not from Garlen so I have no attachment to the Kingdom. ” He replied.

”What do you mean had? Are you going to join the war efforts for me? ” Tista asked in shock.

You are young, and inexperienced.
I can ’t let you go alone on the battlefront. ” Bodya looked her straight in the eyes.

”I wouldn ’t be alone. ” She shook her head.
”Lith and I would probably be sent to different battlefields, but I would still have the Royal army and the Council by my side. ”

”Which means being surrounded by enemies. ” Bodya sighed sharply.
”For the humans, you are no different from your brother, a monster.
On top of that, many Awakened consider your bloodline a threat to the balance.

”There are many among the humans and the Emperor Beasts who would be glad if you two died while others dream about capturing and studying you to find clues that might help them to further their own evolution.
You need me to watch your back. ”

”Look, I appreciate your concern, but I ’m not my brother. ” Tista said.
”I ’m not as powerful as him and nowhere near the violet.
There ’s no telling what I ’ll become but I ’m certain I won ’t be a Tiamat.
You are wasting your time with me ”

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”I ’m not dating your brother, I ’m dating you. ” Bodya ’s ashen skin emphasized all of his expressions and now showed honest worry.
”I don ’t care what you ’ll become, I just want to make sure that you come back home safely.

”Everything else can wait.
We both have a long life ahead of us. ”

”Why are you doing so much for me? ” She asked in confusion.
”I mean, I know you don ’t give a damn about my looks.
There are plenty of Divine Beasts here that make me look homely in comparison.
What ’s your angle? ”

”Once you ’ll get older, you ’ll learn that having a great power doesn ’t make you happy.
That having a long life only means spending more time alone or grieving the loss of those you love. ” He said with a sad smile.

”I ’m doing all of this not because I expect something in return but because I ’d rather risk my life for someone that might make it worth living than spend centuries in regret wondering what could have happened if I didn ’t chicken out. ”

”How old are you, exactly? ” Tista asked.

”I ’m almost seventy.
My mother was a human and died of a sudden illness while I was traveling.

”As for my father, he died as well.
He was killed by an Abomination while on a mission for the Council. ” Bodya was barely a child for Awakened standards but his tone was already that of a man who had suffered a lot.

”I ’m sorry, I didn ’t mean to open old wounds. ” Tista said.

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”And you didn ’t.
The past is in the past.
I ’m only focused on the present and so should you. ” The Nidhogg gave her a soft kiss and when the music started, he led her to the dancefloor.

”I ’ll be glad to have you by my side on the battlefield. ” Tista blushed a little, but not for the kiss.

While the rest of Mogar pressured her to move forward with her life, to become stronger and match her brother ’s achievements, Bodya cared only about giving her the time she needed to understand what she wanted.

He didn ’t seem to care about mixing bloodlines or what powers a Red Demon would come to possess, only about Tista as a person.
It felt nice and put her mind finally at ease.

Meanwhile, on the dancefloor, Lith and Kamila had bumped into Marth and Ryssa.

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