Supreme Magus

Chapter 519 - Bearer of Gifts (Part 2)

ceive them before they would be announced to the other guests.

It was intended as an opportunity to flaunt one ’s wealth and status. The later a guest arrived, the more important they were. The last ones to come were always the members of the Royal family so that they were the only ones who didn ’t have to introduce themselves.

Lith would have gladly passed as a minor guest rather than waste so much time in the stagecoach that Orion had waiting for him outside the local branch of the army. For warriors like Jirni and him, being rejuvenated was a priceless gift.

After Lith had restored Orion ’s vigor, making him feel like he was twenty again, the Commander of the Knight ’s Guard had been adamant in assigning Lith the best stagecoach and the best honor guards his Grand Duchy had to offer.

’I can ’t believe I treated him so badly in the past. ’ Orion inwardly griped.

’He could ’ve asked me hundreds of gold coins and I would ’ve gladly paid the price. No amount of gold is worth making sure that I come back home to my lovely wife and children.

’Yet he gave it freely to me, even though he knows it ’s easier to find a unicorn than a rejuvenator. I take back at least half of the bad things I thought about him. ’

Yet Lith didn ’t do it out of the goodness of his heart. The Crown had finally granted him access to several forbidden books about souls, allowing him to take a new step forward in finding a solution for his reincarnation problem.

Unfortunately, most of them were very obscure. They would constantly quote other books or complex theories that Lith had never heard about, requiring him to further expand his research.

To do that, he needed to prove his worth as a Healer. He couldn ’t afford to be considered just an exceptional diagnostician. Revealing that he was able to Rejuvenate made him the fourth most important Healer at the Crown ’s service.

Only Manohar, Marth, and Vastor were known to be capable of using rejuvenation magic. This move had allowed Lith to help his friends and make the Crown grant him more privileges without him even asking for them.

Two birds with one stone.

Lith had discovered that souls were a controversial matter. Only Necromancers and Healers who had sought the perfect resurrection had thoroughly studied them, but each one had a different theory, which made things even more confusing.

The silver lining was that thanks to his resurrections, Lith had practical experience on the matter. It allowed him to rule out all those paths of research that weren ’t able to explain his condition.

”This is bullshit! ” Lith lamented for the umpteenth time since the carriage had started to move, making his family and Kamila groan. He was wearing a very expensive and very formal suit, closely resembling White Tie attire from Earth.

It consisted of a black dress coat with tails over a white shirt, a piqué waistcoat, and a white bow tie worn around a standing wingtip collar.

”I spent months learning how to open dimensional Gates, why do we have to waste all this time? Isn ’t it much fancier and more practical to Warp to their doorstep? ”

”Not at all. ” Kamila explained. ”This way our identities have been verified and our possessions searched before the Gala. Otherwise every guest would have to be detained upon arrival until they are cleared.

”Unlike those who take the Ernas ’s Gate, we get to skip all of the security checks. Use this time to relax, or at least try to not upset me more than I already am. I can ’t believe I ’m going to meet the Royals at my very first Gala. ”

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