jug was filled with rice.
Luckily, they still had rice.
Jin Gen’s mother appreciated the rice very much.

“Jin Gen, you’re really awesome! If you did not get this rice for us, I wonder how many meals we would have to skip.”

Jin Gen squatted on the ground and picked his teeth, “Of course! I’m a capable man.
I can take out a pack of rice, let alone a jug of them.”

If Yan Huan were here, she would definitely realize that the jug in the hands of Jin Gen’s mother was the one that she had lost.
And the rice in this jug was exactly the rice she lost as well.

It was really stolen by an ignorant and incompetent person like Jin Gen.

“Mother, give me some money.” Jin Gen reached out his hand to his mother and asked for money after he finished picking his teeth.

“What do you want the money for?” Jin Gen’s mother valued money more than her life.
It was impossible for her to take out an extra penny as that money was saved for Jin Gen’s marriage.
She would still be responsible for the money even if Jin Gen got married in the future, so she would not let Jin Gen spend the money for no reason.

“For the Spring Festival shopping, of course.” Jin Gen stood up.
He had always been a gluttonous and lazy guy.
He was not really going shopping.
He just wanted to hang around in the town.

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“Look, all the other families, including Changsheng’s family has pasted up couplets, but we have nothing.”

Jin Gen’s mother disliked Changsheng’s family the most.
Changsheng’s mother was a widow, just like her, but she lived a happier and easier life than her.
Now they even had a woman in their family who knew how to cut hair.
Although the woman was a bit ugly, she could make money.
Yes, money.
There’s no difference between giving eggs and giving money.

Why did such a good thing never happen to her?

She reluctantly took out some money and gave it to Jin Gen.
Then, she told Jin Gen what to buy but Jin Gen was getting impatient as he listened to her.

“Mother, you just gave me such little money.
What else can I buy?” He interrupted his mother and put the money into his pocket.
He was planning to go down the mountain and go to town.
Of course, he had a plan in his mind.
He wanted to take the alms from the country.
As soon as he got the alms, which were a few hundred, he could buy everything he wanted.

When he reached the entrance of the village, he met Yan Huan, who had gone out to collect some firewood.
He hated her so much that his face turned distorted with hatred when he saw her.

“Ugly monster, why aren’t you starving to death yet?”

Yan Huan paused at her steps, turned around and looked coldly at Jin Gen’s disgusting face.
How she wished she could pick up a brick and throw it at his head.

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Her rice was definitely stolen by this person.
If she was the previous Yan Huan, she would have made this bastard live a life that was no better than death.

“Hmph! Wait and see how I torture you in the future! You ugly monster!” Jin Gen sneered.
He caught a handful of snow from the ground and threw it at Yan Huan’s face.
It hit Yan Huan as expected.
She paused for a moment, but she chose to suppress her feelings.

Those who have done bad things will surely pay for the consequences.
What goes around comes around, it’s just a matter of time now.

She would like to see when Jin Gen would get his karma.
Not only did he steal, but he had also put her to death.
He stole her rice and her hope to stay alive.

How could such a person not face retribution? If there was none, she would punish him by herself.

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