ng you ’re not scared, ” Hung sounded disappointed that Gustav ’s expression had returned to the uncaring look.

”I ’m not, ” Gustav responded with a nonchalant look.

it ’s been almost three years and that overbearing ego you began cultivating back in year 3 is now way higher than before, ” Hung Jo stated with a look of disgust.

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”Your return is not important to me.
You don ’t even have a bloodline anymore…
in your words you ’re trash.
Don ’t waste my time, it ’s your brother I have business with.
Where is he? ” Gustav had snapped out of the temporary shock he had earlier.

Now that he thought of it, Yung Jo must be somewhere around since Hung Jo was here.

”You see that is where you ’re wrong I am not trash because I am responsible for trapping you here, ” Hung Jo stated.

”Let me give you a little back story… ” Hung Jo voiced out and began narrating how it all came to this.

Hung Jo got healed six months back with the help of the team of scientists Jo had hired years back when Hung Jo got into the incident due to his fight with Gustav.

They had tried so many ways and dedicated almost three years to make sure they healed Hung Jo and they finally achieved that six months back.

Hung Jo had awoken without a bloodline but his father Mr Jo was more than joyous regardless of that fact since his son was back anyways.

Hung Jo had a bit of memory loss but after he recalled everything that went down almost three years back he narrated it to Yung Jo.

Yung Jo already knew Gustav was responsible but he didn ’t really care.

However seeing his little brother come weeping to him about how he wanted revenge, he found a way to get him a new bloodline.

Of course, this was done by sacrificing the life of another Mixedblood but Yung Jo didn ’t care about that.

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Hung Jo spent the rest of the time learning how to use the new bloodline and waiting for Yung Jo to get Gustav since Yung Jo already promised to get Gustav one of these days.

All that led to the moment where Gustav was found laying on the floor unconscious after getting rid of the singularity.

”Hahaha you were just laying there…
ready for the taking, ” Hung Jo voiced as he moved closer to Gustav.

’So I passed out after closing the singularity? So what was that place I found myself if I was here all this time? ’ Gustav had a confused look on his face as he thought.

”I sealed you here with my power…
it ’s a spatial construct that seals your bloodline so long as you are within.
This space you see is not the real world but I trapped your body in here, ” Hung Jo explained while grabbing onto Gustav ’s face.

”My brother is so pissed you ruined things for him and has told me to do whatever I want with you but make sure I give him your organs after I am done killing you, ” Hung Jo began laughing maniacally at this point.

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