Shen Yanxiao’s face!

Who had ever seen someone who could bring two mythical beasts to the main city of the elves to provoke the Elf King? And she said was merely a weak girl…

Shen Yanxiao completely ignored the elves’ indignation and dragged Wen Ya into the hall.

The Elf King quietly sat on the chair and looked at the two gorgeous women before him.

“Have a seat.” The Elf King spoke in an unusually gentle tone.
It was as if he was not threatened by Shen Yanxiao but had voluntarily come to chat with an old friend.

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Shen Yanxiao and Wen Ya sat down.

“What do you want to talk to me about?” The Elf King looked at Shen Yanxiao who sat by Wen Ya’s side.
Both of them had gorgeous looks, and they looked alike.
It was very easy for him to tell that they were related.

Shen Yanxiao said, “I believe you have already guessed my identity.
In that case, I shall cut to the chase.
I hope you can hand over my father, Shen Yu.”

The Elf King chuckled.
He did not look at Shen Yanxiao but at Wen Ya.

“Xiaoya, your daughter is as straightforward as you.”

Wen Ya looked at Shen Yanxiao with a tender gaze.

“She’s my daughter, so naturally, she resembles me.”

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The Elf King said, “Back then, when you first entered Moonshine City, I remember very clearly that you were always so gentle and elegant in the eyes of outsiders.
However, that was not the real you.
Your personality was not as peace-loving as the elves.
Instead, you were more like a human.
Perhaps it was this difference that made me notice you.”

Wen Ya did not speak.
She already had her husband and child.
She did not wish to talk about the past.

Right now, she was merely a woman who wanted to protect her family.

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