I wrapped the black fire with my dragon nails and clawed the ground at his idle talk of filling himself with painkillers.
Half-melted rocks plummeted, and the fire spread on the ground melted the earth as they charged at Hyunjae Sung.

He smiled as the blazing hit and changed the setting.
I used transportation the moment I felt my feet in the water.

“Damn, Hyunjae Sung you bastard!”

“Yes, father.”

I almost dropped into the river as my feet slid, hearing his bright voice.
That crazy idiot, we both became bastards.
I did not know whether to complain or laugh, but in a moment, I felt electricity in the water.

A consecutive line of explosions followed through the river.
My barriers shattered in the tornado of heat and magic, and my vision clouded.
A tranquil river in a mountain changed to barren land in an instant.

I brandished flame at the sound of metal flying.
A chain broke through the fire and I made a flame sword and cut it in two, but the chain span and shot at me anyway.
I spread my wings and reflected the chains that ambushed me from behind.
Then I felt a merciless hand grab a wing and rip it apart.

“It’s fortunate I don’t have wings.”

“Yes, that’s right.
Hey, wait!”

I wrapped him up in poison since his strength was enough to separate my wing.
The toxic poison spread thickly, and Hyunjae Sung let go of my wing and wrapped an arm around my neck and held me from behind.
I crushed his feet with my heel, but he did not move a muscle because of the painkiller.

“Can I stab you so I can see the memories about your future predictions? I will remember everything after we get out of here, and it would be a win-win situation.”

“Would you meekly be stabbed?”
“No, are you crazy?”

I had memories that I would not want anyone to see.
Hyunjae Sung placed his chin on my head.
Yes, I admit you’re tall.

“I don’t want to.”

“It’s for world peace.”

“That’s too petty.
If you kneel and beg sincerely, I might consider the matter.”

“My knees ache when it’s cloudy from working all night in the factory.
Why don’t a healthy S class kneel and pretend that I did?”

“What value does a mere S class have?”

Hyunjae Sung tapped my shoulder while irritating me.

“You remembered, right?”

“Yes, I did.
But I don’t know whether I can convey them well.”

I used my teacher’s skills and carved the memories of fighting Hyunjae Sung remembered before the return throughout the battle on my body.
It was for him, who would forget everything when he got out, and for others.

“Do you have anything else? Should we do this one more time?”


“How about being stabbed once, maybe three times, or perhaps ten times, and returning my grace?”

Hyunjae Sung just ignored my request.

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