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When I recalled the fact that I have been worked to death at the young age of 30, my insides boiled.
Then suddenly, the emperor’s face popped up in front of my nose.

“Lily, what are you thinking of?”

I was frightened and almost got up.
My heart was beating like crazy and my breathing became a little rough.
Fortunately, it ended with just a simple flinching of my ring finger.

“Are you angry because I didn’t even say anything and just worked?”

Looking around a little bit I noticed it was only the two of us.
Raven had already pulled the paper cart outside.

‘When did he leave?’

“Lily, I guess you still can’t pay attention to your surroundings when you focus on something.
You always do that when you read books.” The emperor laughed and laid down on my lap.
Whenever he came during daytime, I was always in this position, so I was familiar with it now.

“Did you have lunch yet?”

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Then he stared up at me.
This was a question to be answered.
I nodded slowly.

“Then I shall get some sleep for now.
I have been suffering since yesterday, I feel a little tired.”

He yawned and fell asleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes.
He was evidently fatigued.
Soon, his chest began to rise and fall regularly.

I stared at him.

‘It’s really amazing.’

The emperor found it hard to sleep because of nightmares, but he hated the notion of sleeping in general because of the fact he always gets nightmares the moment he slumbered.
Still, he obviously can’t live without it, so he tended to try to get the minimum amount of sleep needed at least.

Surprisingly, however, after I came, he took naps frequently that Lina would often make a fuss on how surprised she was.

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When I suddenly noticed his hair that looked so soft, an impulse arose.
I surveyed my surroundings.

‘S-Should I touch it a little?’

After confirming once more that no one was around, I carefully placed my hand on his fringes.
Even though I was touching it every night, it wasn’t enough to satisfy me.
I felt like a mouse walking into a trap without even knowing, possessed by the allure of that cheesy fragrance.
If things didn’t go as planned, the trap would close quickly and violently and the unsuspecting mouse, who had already given in to the temptation, would have no way to resist.

‘Somehow, his hair feels like a rabbit’s fur.
Even though his appearance is that of a violent beast.’

It was soft and smooth.
Somehow, my heart felt warm. ‘It brings about a soothing feeling.’

Watching the emperor sleep comfortably while I made such daring gestures, I also became groggy.
I guess sleep is a bit contagious.


I tried to hold onto my mind, saying to myself that the emperor would wake up probably sooner than later.
But regardless of my will, my head began to fall back soon after.
In the end, I couldn’t overcome the temptation and fell asleep.

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