y are as small as a grain of wheat, but they glow so brightly that the forest people use them as lights on summer nights.


“They are beautiful…”


How fantastic.
It was like a dream on a summer night.


Guided by the white beadworms, the group continued along the path in the forest until they finally reached a clearing.
Here and there, large, brightly colored tents were set up.


A woman standing in front of one of these tents bowed.


“Welcome, young lady.”


Aurora, the chief of the forest people and Forli’s wife, smiled.




The meat of the monocular bear was a nice souvenir.


The Forest People provided several tents for Ekaterina’s group to stay and relax.
Aurora was very pleased, though Ekaterina thought the meat was simply a small token of appreciation for the trouble she had caused.


“When eaten, this warms the body and makes it more resistant to illness.

I’ll put it in the soup, and you’re welcome to eat it as well, young lady.”


“Thank you, Madam.
Thank you for the kind invitation.”


Ekaterina smiled, and the knights bowed in acknowledgement.


I offered to help prepare the meal, but Aurora only chuckled.
The Forest People rarely accepted guests, but once they did, it was their custom to entertain them with all their heart and soul, so Ekaterina said nothing more and decided to enjoy her stay.


I was allowed to take a walk around the residence to relax my stiff body from the carriage ride.
In addition to Mina, the maid, I was accompanied by Forli and Oleg.
Regina and her hounds were also with us.

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