ster Jin’s representative said.

The manager was also nervous as he listened.
Fortunately, it was not a Buddhist song this time.

“No need,” Feng NAI’s voice was very calm.”You guys can play like you usually do.
I’m here to relax.”

Young master Jin let out an “uh” and went to look at Liu Xu.

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“Come here if you hear my brother nain’s words,” Liu Xu immediately called the manager.

The manager instantly made an expression of understanding.

Soon, he brought five beautiful girls with long legs over.

Young master Jin saw this and knew that he was in trouble.
He didn’t even drink his tea.

On the other side, Liu Xu already felt that he had nothing left to live for.

Feng nai put down his teacup and swept a glance at them.””So that’s how you guys usually play.”

This was really unfair.

It was one thing for them to love dancing.

He had never been so reckless.
Was he crazy?

Who would go against the wind and commit a crime when they clearly knew that it would be arranged by brother naer!

“It’s true, brother na.
You have to listen to me this time …” Little young master Jin wanted to use his silver tongue to tell brother na that this was an illusion!

Then, he saw brother na stand up and walk towards the five young ladies.

Ai, ai, ai, ai? What was going on?

The few of them were a little dumbfounded.

After all, he was a clean freak.

He would never use such a method to find a girl.

As Feng nai walked over, his face was so handsome that the people present didn’t know what to do.

Before they came, the five young ladies had heard from the manager that this person was extraordinary.

She couldn’t help but want to reach out.

“Don’t move,” At this moment, Feng NAI’s voice was bone-chillingly cold.”I hate it when people touch me.”

Young master Jin thought to himself,’now that’s normal.
But why does brother na keep listening and looking at the girl’s neck? this …’

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