Ch60 – He actually felt genuinely somewhat reluctant

Feng Ci opened his mouth but couldn’t get a single word out.

How could he be unaware of what Pei QianYue was talking about? 

During these years, it’s not like Feng Ci has never met people interested in him.
He knew what other people’s affections looked like; not to mention Pei QianYue has never concealed his affections before.

If it were someone else instead, he would have drawn a respectful line a long time ago, ending it decisively.




Yet this time, the person just had to be Pei QianYue.

His Xiao Hei… who had waited for him for so many years and suffered so much, now he has even become like this. 

How could he forsake him again?


But this show of love and affection was really too heavy.
An entire 3000 years.
Feng Ci couldn’t shoulder that kind of deep affections, nor could he return it properly.

That’s why he accommodated in all sorts of manners, yielding to Pei QianYue in everything, and let the other always get his way.
Feng Ci doted and pampered Pei QianYue to the extreme, doing the best that he could to make reparations to this person, so that Pei QianYue could be a bit happier.

As for himself, he didn’t even care about his own life, why would he care about other things.


Not to mention, regardless of how he had thought about it previously, these days spent together with Pei QianYue have indeed been one of the few happy times in his long and endless life.

Unknowingly, Pei QianYue had stopped.
Desire and lust mid-process of climbing to the peak, stopping at a time like this… was not comfortable for either of them.

Feng Ci reached down with his hand subconsciously, but Pei QianYue caught it.



A slightly cold palm captured his wrist.
The thumb even rubbed briefly against the sensitive part of his inner wrist. 

Driven impatient by him, Feng Ci gathered a bit of spirit energy during the struggle and swiftly exchanged a few blows with him.
However, Pei QianYue was extremely familiar with Feng Ci’s body right now.
With a slight movement of his waist, he was able to make Feng Ci feel numb and tingly all over.
The spirit energy that Feng Ci had gathered with great difficulty also dissipated as a result.

Pei QianYue leaned over and clasped hands with Feng Ci, intertwining their fingers together tightly.
He pressed Feng Ci down on the woolen blanket that was slightly wet from the moisture of their bodies, and asked coldly: “What was Master’s original plan?”


This man was even trying to play the game of extracting confessions through torture. 

Feng Ci’s fingers curled impatiently; his elegant brows furrowed tightly.
Even the corners of his eyes were marked by a slight red.
He opened his mouth and exhaled a scalding hot breath: “…… Stop tormenting me already.”

Pei QianYue ignored him.

He lowered his head and kissed Feng Ci’s trembling eyelashes, moving affectionately and gently.
However, the words that he spoke were still ice-cold and decisive: “Talk.”

“Isn’t it all because I wanted to indulge you!” Feng Ci turned his head and refused to let Pei QianYue kiss him, saying in annoyance: “So disobedient, only knowing to torment others.
How about I really become heartless and stop caring about you, let’s see where you’ll end up then.” 

Pei QianYue sighed softly.

“I really don’t know what to do with you.” He released Feng Ci’s hands and finally stopped teasing him.


Feng Ci only felt this was more intense and harder to endure than anything he’s ever experienced.
By the end, the two of them were practically venting, desperately trying to press and fuse each other into their own flesh and blood.

Even long after it ended, Feng Ci still couldn’t subdue his body’s uncontrollable trembling; he was drawn into Pei QianYue’s embrace. 

The two sides of the pavilion’s curtains were pulled open.
Outside was the broad and vast view of the lake’s surface.
Pei QianYue laid on the bamboo couch, cradling Feng Ci.
With a fleeting thought from Feng Ci, the gentle breeze and sunny weather outside transformed into a setting sun that descended in the west.

After a long time, Pei QianYue finally said softly: “You wanted to make me forget you, right?”

Feng Ci wholeheartedly sought death, but also couldn’t bear rejecting Pei QianYue’s feelings directly.
That’s what caused everything to develop to its current state right now.
But this kind of lie couldn’t last too long.
Rather than giving a bit of sweetness and then losing it, Pei QianYue had no doubt that Feng Ci would figure out an even more appropriate method.

Pei QianYue asked: “You’ve already found a way?” 

“How come I can’t hide anything from you?” Feng Ci gave a deprecating smile.

He even thought he had concealed it very well.
Yet just like when he first returned to this world, once again, this person had already seen through him a long time ago and was just waiting for him to admit it.

Originally, Feng Ci did want to keep it hidden, hidden until after the issues of the cultivation world were resolved, hidden until he finally obtained his freedom and then……

Feng Ci squeezed his eyes closed and recalled the memory of his last encounter with the Heavenly Principles— back then, when they were trapped inside the Phantom Spirit Cauldron. 

“……I would complete Father’s task, but with one final request.”

“I would wish that after I leave, Father could erase all traces of me from this world.”

The Heavenly Principles controlled the order of all living beings in this world.
To erase all traces of a person from this world was as easy as waving a hand.
This kind of erasure wouldn’t affect any of the history that has already occurred.
Grandmaster QianQiu would still exist in the world; however, he would only be a distant and vague concept, no longer any relations to Feng Ci himself.

The feelings and memories everyone had of him would disappear completely.
No one will remember him. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection.
If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rjwf klat Ufl HljcTef.

Ktlr rtbeiv tjnf yffc jc lcojiilyif qijc.

Po Ufl HljcTef vlvc’a oluegf la bea.

“Kgeis kbgats bo atf Xgjcvwjrafg HljcHle, rb geatifrr.” Ufl HljcTef rjlv mbbiis: “Rba regqglrlcu.
Djmx atfc, sbe kfgf jyif ab vlamt wf, jcv jii bo atf ofiibk meialnjabgr jcv rfma vlrmlqifr ktb tjv yjaaifv abufatfg klat sbe veglcu atf Xgfja Qjg yfakffc wbgajir jcv vfwbcr(魔), ab ifjnf atlr kbgiv ys sbegrfio.
Ktlr alwf lr cbatlcu wbgf atjc j gfqfja qfgobgwjcmf bo atf qjra.
Kb sbe, la’r cba tjgv ja jii.” 

“…… but do you have the right to do this?”

“Just because you’re Grandmaster QianQiu.
With one spell, you can travel through thousands of worlds.
With one word, you can make the Heavenly Principles erase all traces of you from this world.
In your heart, have you truly cared about the feelings of others?”


Feng Ci was stunned.

Has he still not cared enough? 

If he really didn’t care about anything, would he have done everything he could to try to compensate Pei QianYue?

If he didn’t care, why go through the pains of negotiating conditions with the Heavenly Principles.

Feng Ci turned around and sat up.
Wrapping himself up in the half-removed robes, he left Pei QianYue a skinny and fragile view of his back.

“Then what do you want me to do?” Feng Ci asked him, his voice also turning cold. 

Pei QianYue: “I want you to love me.”

Feng Ci closed his eyes.

He didn’t know if what he felt counted as love or not.

They had only reunited for a few months.
He liked to make Pei QianYue happy, liked his original form and his transformed human form.
He also liked the little tempers and schemes Pei QianYue threw.
At the same time, he felt heartache for the other’s bitter encounters as well, pitied his pain and suffering, felt happy for him, felt sadness for him, felt indignant and angry for him. 

They engaged in the most intimate act in this world, no different than any other lovers of this world.

In fact, when Xiao Guo told him today that he needed to start cultivating in seclusion, Feng Ci even felt a bit reluctant.

He said verbally that he was worried Pei QianYue might feel bad, but in reality, he didn’t feel very good about it either.
It will be 3 months until he can see Pei QianYue again.
This was even longer than the duration of their reunion.

Feng Ci didn’t know how Pei QianYue was going to survive this period.
He also didn’t know if he himself…… could endure it. 

But did this count as love?

If it were 3000 years ago, perhaps he might have attempted to find an answer.

But now…… it was too late.

Feng Ci never thought about living after the completion of this mission.
As such, he never planned to leave something in this world that’d make him feel yearning to stay, something that could potentially change his mind. 

As such, he didn’t know the answer to this question.
He also didn’t want to know.

He only knew, nothing in this world was everlasting.
Even the deepest of feelings will ultimately be whittled away by time, reduced to an all-consuming pain.


And the only way to avoid the pain… was release.

That slightly cold body pressed, flushed against him once again.
Pei QianYue stroked his still slightly wet, long hair and said softly: “Feng Ci, you’re not thinking that I’m the type of person who’d willingly give without wanting anything in return, right?” 

“The things that I desire, I will do everything I can to grasp tightly in my hands.
No one can take it away, not even you.”

“Regardless of the price that I have to pay for this.”

Feng Ci turned his head to look at him: “What are you planning to do?”

Pei QianYue didn’t answer. 

He didn’t answer, but he also didn’t deny it.

Feng Ci said: “Pei QianYue, all of this is negotiable.
Don’t do anything stupid.”

He was very aware that the person in front of him was a lunatic.
In order to reach his objective, Pei QianYue can do anything and everything.

Yet it just so happened, Feng Ci needed to go into secluded cultivation tomorrow. 

“Negotiable?” Pei QianYue said: “When Master was scheming with the Heavenly Principles to erase my memories, did you discuss things with me beforehand?”


“Don’t worry.
I wouldn’t do anything while you’re not around.” Pei QianYue embraced Feng Ci from behind and pressed soft kisses to his neck: “As long as you remain by my side obediently, I won’t do anything at all.”

Acting willful again. 

Feng Ci didn’t know he should laugh or cry.
However, he didn’t want to continue arguing.

Regardless of what kind of plans Pei QianYue had for the future, that will all have to wait until after he completed the Heavenly Principles’ mission and obtained his freedom.

Arguing about this right now was pretty much meaningless.

“After I finish cultivating in seclusion and dealing with this stupid affair, we can talk about this again.” Feng Ci relaxed and allowed Pei QianYue to draw him into his arms: “Nothing has even started yet and we’re already worrying about these things.
Too early.” 

Pei QianYue nodded: “Okay.”

Ever since the two people spent three entire days inside the Sea of Awareness without realizing last time, whenever Feng Ci entered the Sea of Awareness, he’d always leave a strand of consciousness outside to sense the time changes of the outside world.


When the setting sun finally fell, with a fleeting thought from Feng Ci, candles lit up around the pavilion.

They still did not leave the Sea of Awareness, but they also didn’t do anything else.
They just quietly snuggled together on the bamboo couch and watched the gradually darkening night sky outside. 

Feng Ci withdrew his gaze and looked at the person next to him.

Everyone says that it’s best to look at beauties under the candlelight.
The flames of the candles casted dancing shadows on Pei QianYue’s face, making that face seem extraordinarily handsome and beautiful.
As Feng Ci looked and looked, he suddenly felt a bit pissed off and leaned over to take a bite of Pei QianYue’s lips.

“Asshole.” Feng Ci said gloomily.

Randomly cursed at, Pei QianYue asked him: “What’s the matter?” 

“I’m about to go into secluded cultivation tomorrow.
Yet you just had to pick today to quarrel with me.” Feng Ci said: “Annoying.”

The more Feng Ci thought about it, the angrier he got.

Originally, he had thought that since they weren’t going to see each other for three months, he’d spend these last moments with Pei QianYue.
Yet not only did this person ruin the mood, he didn’t even feel good in the end.

So annoying. 

Pei QianYue chuckled quietly: “Alright, then I suppose this is my fault.”

Feng Ci became disgruntled: “What do you mean suppose.
It’s clearly your fault here!”

“Okay okay okay, then what does Master want to do?” Pei QianYue yielded and asked him: “How about, let’s do it again?”

Feng Ci turned his head: “Don’t want it.
Not in the mood.” 

Pei QianYue pretended not to hear; his extended hand already reached the belt around Feng Ci’s waist.

Feng Ci hastily went to stop him.

Previously when Feng Ci fought with Pei QianYue in the bed, it’s always been casual play, stopping very quickly afterwards, nothing serious.
However, today the two did not stop.
Returning every move, they swiftly exchanged a few blows.

The bamboo couch couldn’t withstand this kind of affliction from two grown men.
With a creak, it ultimately collapsed. 

The two people rolled to the ground.
Feng Ci seized the opportunity to capture Pei QianYue’s wrists and press him down ruthlessly below him.

A smile appeared in Feng Ci’s eyes as he deliberately dragged out his words: “You.


Putting aside the fact that this was Feng Ci’s Sea of Awareness, even normally, Pei QianYue couldn’t win against him in a fight.
This asshole can only take small advantages from him in his moments of passion.

Pei QianYue said calmly: “My skills are inferior.
I accept my loss wholeheartedly.
What does Master plan to do with me?” 

“Hmm how…..” Feng Ci tilted his head and thought briefly.
He pulled off his belt and tied up Pei QianYue’s wrists.
Simultaneously, he casted a locking spell on it.

He raised Pei QianYue’s both hands up high and trapped them above his head, maneuvering the other into a helpless position.
One hand gliding down Pei QianYue’s chest as well, Feng Ci said with a smile: “How about I give you a taste of being underneath another?”

It was still impossible to discern any hint of panic on Pei QianYue’s face.
His voice was calm and composed: “If Master wants it, come take it.”

The smile in Feng Ci’s eyes didn’t lessen: “Okay.” 

After saying this, he tapped two fingers to the center of Pei QianYue’s forehead and temporarily sealed his spirit energy.

Pei QianYue used spirit energy to see.
With his spirit energy sealed, he couldn’t see anything.

Feng Ci distinctively felt the other’s body tense up suddenly and hastily bent down to hug him.
Feng Ci said soothingly: “Don’t be afraid.
I’m still here…… playing something new.”

Pei QianYue lost his eyes, so his other senses were already keener than normal.
Now that his visual sight has completely vanished, his other senses naturally multiplied several times more than usual. 

The rustling sound of clothes near him was Feng Ci starting to move on top of him.

Pei QianYue didn’t really care which of them took the lead.
It was only because Feng Ci’s body was unwell the first time that Pei QianYue took care of him once.
Later on, perhaps because he had gotten a taste of the fun, he never really thought about trying to switch it up.

If Feng Ci really wanted to switch, then whatever he wanted.

Pei QianYue waited patiently, until…… 

His breathing suddenly staggered.


Both hands pressed on Pei QianYue’s chest for support, Feng Ci slowly lowered his body.
Within just this brief period of time, a thin layer of sweat has already appeared on his forehead.
He raised a hand to wipe it away and exhaled with relief: “Harder than I had imagined…… Give me a moment.”

His tone was very lighthearted, but in reality, this was not the case. 

Pei QianYue could feel the faint trembling of the other’s hands and reached out to hold them: “Indulging me again.”

“What’s wrong with indulging you? You don’t want it?” Feng Ci’s breathing has already turned somewhat unsteady, but it didn’t affect his stubborn and unreasonable attitude: “Even if you don’t want it, you’re going to take it.
Your master is personally indulging you.
You think you still have the privilege of saying yes or no?”


Pei QianYue had no choice but to agree obediently.

Feng Ci never did this kind of thing before, so he was somewhat inexperienced.
Taking his time, he made this affair, which should have given the two of them pleasure, seem more like cruel torture. 

Until in the end, it became questionable if he was trying to indulge Pei QianYue or torment him.

But in the Grandmaster QianQiu’s world, the two words ‘give up’ did not exist, so he forced himself to persist until the very end.

After finishing and releasing Pei QianYue, Feng Ci didn’t even have the energy to move even a finger.
He was then immediately held down by Pei QianYue—who has been on his last straw after enduring it the entire night— and retaught how to properly indulge someone from start to finish.

The next day, obviously, Feng Ci didn’t manage to get up. 

But the strange thing was that Xiao Guo himself also went missing for a large portion of the day.
It wasn’t until nightfall that Feng Ci and Pei QianYue finally saw the belated Valley Master Xiao outside of the cavern.

He was alone.

Feng Ci wanted to ask if Li Jiu was okay, but in the end, he abandoned that thought.

Xiao Guo came here to provide Feng Ci with the proper cultivation technique. 

Originally, the Shaman Valley looked after their secret ancestral legacies extremely strictly, never passing them onto others easily.
But Feng Ci was the founding father of Shaman Valley.
In theory, all of Shaman Valley’s techniques were created by his disciple and subsequent successors.
So, it’s nothing he couldn’t see.

To avoid creating potential issues, Feng Ci didn’t take the mystic text away and only stood at the entrance of the cave, flipping through the pages swiftly.

“Many thanks.” After Feng Ci finished reading, he handed it back to Xiao Guo.

Xiao Guo was completely dumbfounded: “Done reading everything already?” 

“En.” Feng Ci nodded and then turned to look at Pei QianYue: “I need to cultivate in seclusion for 81 days to master this technique.
During this time, you behave.”

Feng Ci still felt very worried.

But the current issue was even more important, he had no other choice.

He thought briefly and stood on tiptoes to hook his arms around Pei QianYue’s neck.
Leaning close to his ear, Feng Ci said softly: “If you dare to mess around recklessly behind my back, don’t even think about touching me in the future.
I swear.” 

Pei QianYue seized the opportunity to embrace Feng Ci.
He answered pretty candidly: “Okay.
Don’t worry, Master.”

Receiving the other’s promise, Feng Ci still didn’t let go.


He buried his head into the crook of Pei QianYue’s shoulder and took a deep breath.
His nose was filled with the other’s familiar, cold aroma.

Oh no. 

Feng Ci thought internally.

It’s only cultivating in seclusion for three months.
For a cultivator, it was common for them to go into seclusion for an entire year or more if they had to.

Yet he actually felt genuinely reluctant to do so.


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