Ch64.2 – Someone might be even more worried than me

As soon as the disciples of the two sects entered the secret realm, they immediately rushed towards the area where the mirror had shattered.

The location of that 3rd mirror was extremely nearby, in an ancient city within a desert.
The abandoned city was filled with yellow sand.
Crumbling broken walls could be seen everywhere.
They were so worn down by the wind and sand that it was practically impossible to see the original appearance. 

At the entrance of the city was the damaged mirror.

Xuan YangZi crouched down and examined it for a moment: “This is indeed WanFa Pavilion’s mirror.
However, it’s been damaged by some external force and can no longer be repaired.”



This mirror was placed inside the secret realm.
Naturally, it was protected by magic.
Don’t even mention the young disciples sent here for the trial, even the demons and monsters inside the secret realm would find it very hard to damage this item.

Pei QianYue asked: “Is there anyone inside this city?” 

“Reporting back to you, City Master.
There is.” The one who answered him was a LingXiao Gates disciple.
The disciples, who did not enter the secret realm to patrol, weren’t idle either in the past few days.
The disciples of the Six Sects outside took turns and divided the work of recording details about the situations occurring in every one of the mirrors.


That disciple said: “According to the records before the mirror shattered, disciples of five different cultivation sects appeared inside this ancient city.
And they had all been declared eliminated from the evaluation.
I just don’t know where they are right now……”

Pei QianYue instructed: “Split up and search.”

The disciples replied: “Yes.”


Inside the secret realm, it was currently nighttime.
A curved bright moon hung high in the sky, casting a cold pale, eerie white glow over the entire ancient city.

Feng Ci followed the LangFeng City disciples and searched around inside the city.
When he looked back, however, he saw Pei QianYue and Xuan YangZi both standing on an extremely high rooftop.
Under the moon, Pei QianYue’s black robes seemed to be imprinted with a layer of silver on its edges.
Clothes and hair lifted by the wind, his figure was tall and slender.

So beautiful that it was hard to look away.


“Lu JingMing.” Someone called him from behind. 

Feng Ci replied with an ‘Ai’, hastily withdrew his gaze, and feigned a sincere expression: “I’m searching, Cheng-Shixiong.
I really wasn’t slacking off.”

Hearing these words from him, Cheng Bo started looking constipated again.

Feng Ci saw how he seemed hesitant to speak and asked: “Cheng-Shixiong, do you have something to say to me?”

“I…..” Cheng Bo subconsciously grasped the sword at his waist.
Looking around in all directions, he suppressed his voice: “Who are you exactly?” 

Feng Ci smiled “Cheng-Shixiong, what are you saying? How come I don’t quite understand?”

“This sword that you gave me……” Cheng Bo paused briefly: “After I used it, my cultivation suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.”

Feng Ci, expressionlessly: “That’s the result of Cheng-Shixiong’s hard work and studiousness.”

“Stop lying to me already.” Cheng Bo said: “This sword was initially given to you by Lin-Shixiong.
I brought it to Lin-Shixiong and asked him.
He said……” 

Lin ChangAn had already guided the other disciples to another street.
Right now, they were the only two people remaining on this street.

Feng Ci asked: “What did Lin-Shixiong say?”


Cheng Bo grasped the sword in his hand tightly and said: “He said that an extremely strong sword intent was left behind on this sword.
It is that sword intent which allowed my cultivation to advance exponentially.
This sword……”

He looked up at Feng Ci and said solemnly: “This sword was only wielded by you.” 

Feng Ci fell silent and didn’t speak.

A moment later, he suddenly smiled: “Wrong.”

Cheng Bo was stunned.

Feng Ci: “It’s not my sword intent that made your cultivation advance exponentially, but rather your fate” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection.
If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If it were some unfated person, this sword would only be an ordinary weapon to them, unable to make any differences.

Mfcu Jl qjaafv Jtfcu Db’r rtbeivfg: “Ktlr lr j ubbv atlcu, Jtfcu-Vtlzlbcu.”

Jtfcu Db ugjyyfv Mfcu Jl’r kglra, atfc gfmjiifv rbwfatlcu, jcv gfifjrfv tlw lcvlucjcais: “Vb sbe jvwla atja sbe ifoa yftlcv atlr rkbgv lcafca?”

Mfcu Jl rtgeuufv: “Jjc P fnfc gfoerf ab jvwla la?” 

“Aera ktb fzjmais……” Jtfcu Db jrxfv: “Qtb jgf sbe?”

Feng Ci didn’t actually answer, but asked back instead: “Who do you guys think I am?”

Cheng Bo, however, stopped talking.

Feng Ci wasn’t sure if this youngster was able to recognize him through the slight remnant of the sword intent left behind on the sword.
However, he didn’t really care that much either. 

“Time to go.
Let’s hurry up and finish searching here.” Feng Ci waved his hand: “If City Master Pei notices us slacking off later, we’ll get punished.”

“Lu JingMing.” Cheng Bo called out behind him again.

Feng Ci looked back.
The other still had that hesitant expression; his face was bright red from holding himself back from speaking.

Feng Ci only felt it was kind of funny. 

The little kids these days, they’re never straightforward with their words.

Feng Ci smiled and was just about to say something.
However, he heard a shout in the distance: “Lin-Shixiong! Lin-Shixiong, are you okay?!”


The two peoples’ expressions changed.
They hastily ran towards that direction.

While the two were talking, Lin ChangAn had already led the other LangFeng City disciples and searched two streets away.
On the decrepit street, two disciples helped Lin ChangAn retreat next to a wall.
A sharp blade pierced through the latter’s stomach area.
Fresh blood stained a large area of his disciple’s uniform red. 

The other disciples blocked in front of him, drawing the swords in their hands one after another and pointing them at the…… LingXiao Gates disciples in front of them.


Cheng Bo was just about to move forward when he was pulled back by Feng Ci: “Wait.”

Hearing Feng Ci’s words, the leading disciple of the LingXiao Gates turned his head over and looked somewhat surprised: “Aiya? There’s actually someone from LangFeng City, who recognizes this Confinement Array?” 

Feng Ci didn’t reply.

His line of sight shifted to the horsetail whisk held in that disciple’s hand.
The silver threads of horsetail whisk were dyed red with blood.

“He was the one who injured Lin-Shixiong!” A LangFeng City disciple yelled loudly: “You guys are going down!”

The group advanced with their swords.
However, the LingXiao Gates disciple only said quietly: “Seal.”  

Under the LangFeng City disciples’ feet, a golden magic array abruptly opened up and trapped everyone inside it.
The sharp edge of a sword collided with the bright wall of the magic array.
It was deflected, however, by some unknown force.
The disciple that held the sword fell to the ground heavily, turned his head, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The boundary of the golden magic array just happened to be next to Cheng Bo’s feet.

If Feng Ci didn’t hold him back just now, he would have already been trapped inside it.

“Missed two, what a pity.” The LingXiao Gates disciple who casted the spell turned to look at Feng Ci and Cheng Bo.
He shook his head and sighed: “Oh well……” 

With a raise of his hand, a magic array also appeared under his own feet.

Under the bright golden light, everyone’s figures gradually faded and vanished.

Only leaving the remnants of that disciple’s voice.

“If you two want to watch the fun, you’re welcome to come to the central marketplace of the ancient city, JiangBei.
However, you need to be quick……” 

The light from the magic array dispersed completely.
There was no longer anyone present.
Feng Ci turned his head and took a glance upward.
Pei QianYue and Xuan YangZi were also no longer present on the rooftop.

“Just what exactly is going on?” Cheng Bo asked: “LingXiao Gates……Was this their trap?”


Feng Ci’s tone remained very calm and composed: “Obviously.”

Now it would seem like… there might not be anyone inside this ancient city after all.
Meanwhile, the broken mirrors were only the bait to lure them inside the secret realm, so to prevent the people outside of the secret realm from knowing what was happening in here. 

Cheng Bo then asked: “Then what should we do now?”

“What else can we do?” Feng Ci looked up at the sky.
The sandstorm in the horizon had stopped unknowingly some time ago.
The entire ancient city of XiYu was deathly silent.

Feng Ci said slowly: “Go watch the fun of course.”

The center of the ancient city was a wide empty space.
At the center of the empty space stood a huge statue, which had already been worn down by the wind and sand until its original appearance was lost. 

Empty all around, some faint remnants of shops and stores could be seen vaguely.

By the time Feng Ci and Cheng Bo rushed there, everyone who had entered the ancient city recently were already present at the scene.

The LangFeng City disciples were trapped within the golden magic array.
The LingXiao Gates disciples stood to the side, gazing ahead.

In front of the crowd, Xuan YangZi looked up at the statue that was corroded by the wind and sand, and used the horsetail whisk in his hand to sweep away the sand beneath the statue. 

Pei QianYue was standing right behind him at this moment.
His expression actually seemed fairly normal.

After confirming that this person wasn’t injured, Feng Ci finally felt relieved.
His pace also slowed down as a result.
The LingXiao Gates disciples noticed their arrival and stepped forward one after another.
The horsetail whisks in their hands glowing with light as they encircled the two people tightly.

“Don’t worry.” Xuan YangZi said calmly: “They’re just two people.  What are they going to do? Overturn the situation by themselves? Back off.”

The disciples obeyed and retreated. 

Feng Ci raised his head and looked at that old man, feeling somewhat exasperated internally, but also a bit amused.

At least it can be confirmed that Xuan YangZi definitely didn’t know his identity.

Up front, Xuan YangZi started speaking softly: “City Master Pei, do you know why I chose this place?”

Pei QianYue didn’t answer. 

However, Xuan YangZi hadn’t really planned to wait for an answer from Pei QianYue either.
He continued to say all on his own: “This Heavenly Spirit Ruins have a total of 18 different terrains, each based on actual places in real life… And this place is called the ancient city of JiangBei.”

“Thousands of years ago, the ancient city of JiangBei used to be one of the most prosperous cities of this land.” Xuan YangZi said slowly: “Unfortunately, no matter how prosperous a place is, it cannot withstand natural calamities and man-made disasters.
About a thousand years ago, a heavenly fire descended upon this place, then immediately afterwards, many years of drought.”


“The citizens of JiangBei worshiped gods.
They prayed to the Heavens every day, hoping that the Heavens would bestow grace and save the people from their miseries.
Unfortunately…… their Gods didn’t take pity on them.”

“Ultimately, the citizens either left or died.
Within not even a hundred years, this place became a ghost city.” 

Pei QianYue still didn’t answer.

“Don’t you think this is pretty similar to LingXiao Gates?” Xuan YangZi turned his head to look at Pei QianYue: “This old man chose this place because I need to warn myself constantly, never rely on others.”

“……It’s best to get revenge for my own grudges.”

Pei QianYue finally spoke, his tone indifferent: “This Venerable One doesn’t remember having any grudge with you.” 

“You—” Xuan YangZi’s gaze turned dark.
Then he recalled something and took a deep breath before saying with a smile: “That’s right. Such a distinguished man like City Master Pei is bound to be forgetful.
You must have forgotten it.
This old man can help City Master Pei recollect your memory.”

He clapped his hands.
A strange noise suddenly appeared inside the empty shops in the surrounding area. 

With a boom, the dirt-constructed wall next to Feng Ci was pushed down and a young man walked out.

This person’s movements were stiff and rigid.
His bones made cracking sounds as he walked.
His entire body was covered in blood, his complexion an ashen white.
His neck was stitched together roughly by an extremely thick, red string. 

Seeing this person closeup without any warnings, Feng Ci jumped in shock at first before finally recognizing this person.

It’s the head disciple that Xuan YangZi had killed personally in LangFeng City back then, after the Immortal Alliance rebellion.

The dirt walls in the surroundings were pushed down one after another.
A bunch of people walked out from inside as well.

A total of 21 people. 

They were all disciples who were executed by Xuan YangZi back then.

Feng Ci only felt his scalp turn numb, a chill growing in his heart.

Xuan YangZi actually refined these 21 disciples……all into living corpses.

Pei QianYue acknowledged with an ‘oh’.
His tone continued to remain calm and composed: “But this Venerable One didn’t kill these people.
It was you.
If they want revenge, they should be seeking you instead.” 

Yue!” Xuan YangZi shouted furiously, so angry that he started laughing: “You don’t need to stall for time here.
I have already ordered people to destroy all the mirrors within this ancient city.
No one outside of the secret realm will know what happened inside here.”

“By the end of today, a lot of people will die inside this secret realm.
Adding you, Pei QianYue, and a dozen LangFeng City disciples is of no significance.”


Feng Ci’s gaze turned heavy.

Xuan YangZi knew that a lot of people will die inside this secret realm.
In other words, his physical body has, sure enough, already entered the secret realm; and most likely, it was with the assistance of Xuan YangZi. 

But why……

Even though Xuan YangZi was collaborating with his physical body, why did he seem completely unaware of Feng Ci’s current identity?

Feng Ci vaguely realized something.
However, right at this time, the living corpse next to him suddenly stirred in agitation.

He turned his head to look and instantly understood. 

Lin ChangAn had been injured in the ambush just now and lost an excessive amount of blood.
That blood seeped out of the magic array and the aroma of blood had unwittingly already spread throughout the entire marketplace.

Smelling the blood, those living corpses turned somewhat unrestrained.

“Looks like my good disciples are already itching to get their revenge.” Xuan YangZi smiled and made a seal with his hands.
The Confinement Array that trapped the LangFeng City disciples shattered in response.
At the same time, a huge magic array appeared in the air above the ancient city.

A brilliant golden light descended.
Other people did not become affected.
Only Pei QianYue stiffened. 

Feng Ci looked up and over.
Now this magic array was pretty familiar to him.

…… The Demon(妖) Imprisonment Talisman Array again.

However, this Demon(妖) Imprisonment Talisman was much stronger than the one created by Elder Cheng Chao initially on LinXian Terrace.
Not only did it cover the entire ancient city of JiangBei, it’s also extremely powerful in strength.
It didn’t seem like something Xuan YangZi could create by himself.

“City Master Pei, don’t fret.” Elation appeared in Xuan YangZi’s eyes: “Please wait here for a moment.
It will be your turn… after my obedient disciples completely devour the disciples you brought here.” 

I’m in no hurry.”

Under the effects of the Demon(妖) Imprisonment Talisman, the blood drained swiftly from Pei QianYue’s face.
However, he didn’t panic the slightest, and even seemed somewhat tranquil: “However, someone might be even more worried than me.”

Xuan YangZi’s expression changed: “Who?”

As soon as he finished speaking, someone patted him on the shoulder. 

The young man, who had originally been standing in the back, had unknowingly, yet in full view of the crowd, appeared behind him.
Holding down Xuan YangZi’s shoulder, Feng Ci slowly raised his head with an icy gaze.



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