“But Brother Wensheng likes me, so we called off the betrothal with Qiao Yuan and got engaged.
So we’ll be the ones getting married!” 

Yu Dameng’s eyes widened.
He knew that Yuan Ge’er had hung himself because he didn’t want to marry him, but he had never heard of Zhang Wensheng’s involvement before.
No wonder Yuan Ge’er didn’t want to be his husband, he had someone he liked.  

After returning from the border, he occasionally saw Zhang Wensheng, who was highly praised in the village.
He knew that he was a well-educated and polite scholar, who seemed to be better than him, a blacksmith who was always dirty and messy.  

Qiao Yingying noticed that his expression changed and guessed that her words had struck a nerve.
She continued to pile on, “Look at yourself, and then look at Brother Wensheng.
You two are like night and day.
Yuan Ge’er will never be able to wholeheartedly live a good life with you… ”  

Qiao Yuan and Qiao Wangshi heard the commotion outside and stopped talking.
Qiao Yuan went out to see what was happening and saw Yu Dameng standing there with his head down, being scolded by Qiao Yingying like a wilted eggplant.
Qiao Yuan was immediately furious and rushed forward to pull Yu Dameng behind him, then angrily questioned Qiao Yingying, “What are you doing?!”  

Qiao Yingying was taken aback by his sudden outburst, but she thought that this was the soft-hearted Qiao Yuan, so there was nothing to be afraid of.
She sneered and replied, “I’m just talking to your blacksmith husband.”  

Qiao Yuan heard the disdain in her tone and became even more venomous, “Cousin, as an unmarried girl, it’s not appropriate for you to be speaking to my husband like that.
Isn’t that against propriety? And if this gets out…” 

“You dare!” Qiao Yingying was scared for a moment.
Her reputation must not have no flaws, otherwise Zhang Wensheng would definitely not marry her, and then how could she become a scholar’s wife in the future!  

Qiao Yuan sneered and threatened her, “If you dare to insult my husband again, you’ll see if I dare to do something about it.” 

Qiao Yingying glanced at Yu Dameng, who was looking down and dejected, and thought that since her goal had been achieved, it didn’t matter to argue with him here.
Qiao Yuan would definitely be beaten up by Yu Dameng when he got home, and maybe even be divorced and sent back home tomorrow.
Then she would be the one holding all the cards and he wouldn’t dare to be so arrogant anymore.
With this in mind, she left, tossing her head and walking away with her nose in the air. 

Qiao Yuan was extremely angry.
If Qiao Yingying wasn’t a woman, he would have wanted to physically teach her a lesson.
As expected, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Xu Xiuhua couldn’t produce any good things!  

Qiao Wangshi had already guessed what happened and urged Qiao Yuan and Yu Dameng to hurry home.
After a few more brief words, Qiao Yuan and Yu Dameng left together.  

As they walked out of the alleyway of the Qiao family, Qiao Yuan saw that there was no one else around and twisted Yu Dameng’s arm hard, complaining, “How can someone as big as you be bullied by her? Did you grow up in vain? Did I feed you all those meat for nothing?” 

Yu Dameng looked at Qiao Yuan with a sense of grievance, then continued walking forward with his head down without saying a word.  

Qiao Yuan sensed that something was wrong and chased after him, asking, “What’s wrong with you? What did she say to you?”  

Yu Dameng still kept his head down and remained silent.  

Did she hurt his self-esteem? Qiao Yuan thought about it and softened his tone.
“Don’t listen to her nonsense! What’s wrong with being a blacksmith? That’s an outdated concept from the past.
Our Da Chu Dynasty values craftsmen and believes in equality for all, did you know that?” 

“Besides, who is she to look down on us? The house she’s living in now was built by my father back then!” Speaking of this, Qiao Yuan was a little angry.
He was not very clear about the laws of Da Chu Dynasty and did not know if the eldest son had inheritance rights here.
He would have to wait until Yu Xiangxue returned in a few days to ask him.  

He was not interested in the family inheritance left by his biological parents.
It’s just that Qiao Guangzhi and Xu Xiuhua didn’t treat the original owner well.
He also believed that his biological parents, who are watching from heaven, would not want them to benefit from this inheritance.
If he can obtain the family property, he would donate all of it to those in need, in order to accumulate merit for the original owner and pray for a smooth and peaceful next life.  

Qiao Yuan chattered all the way to Yu Dameng, but his expression did not seem to improve because of it. 

Qiao Yuan was getting angry with him.
Was what Qiao Yingying said so important? She only said a few words, but Yu Dameng took it to heart.
Qiao Yuan had been talking non-stop, but he didn’t see him taking it in.  

Qiao Yuan was too angry and didn’t want to pay attention to him anymore.  

After returning home, both of them had cold faces.
Lin Cuifen guessed that they had a quarrel, but as a mother-in-law, she didn’t want to interfere in their argument, so she pretended not to know.  

After a dull lunch, Lin Cuifen urged Qiao Yuan to rest in their room, saying that he needed to recover from his injury and shouldn’t do any work. 

Qiao Yuan glanced at Yu Dameng, who was still lost in thought, and went back to their room with a huff. 

Lin Cuifen saw her silly son still sitting there motionless, and kicked his leg, saying, “Hurry up and coax him!”  

Yu Dameng looked at the door that Qiao Yuan had just slammed shut and stood up, pursing his lips.
“I’ll go to Carpenter Li’s place to get the lounge chair for Yuan Ge’er.” 

Lin Cuifen sighed, “This silly son of mine.”  

Well, she wouldn’t worry about them anymore.
Let the newlyweds work it out themselves.
Which couple hasn’t gone through this? 

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