Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 362: Jiangxia City the Godly Archer Huang Zhong

= Jianye City, Hotel Suite =


[You have completed the request of Sun Wu.]

[The quest rewards have been transferred to your system inventory.]

Miaomiao, while standing on the suite balcony and gazing into a distance, rubbed his right eyebrow to calm it down.

For some reason, he had been having a bad hunch after Wei Yuan had texted him, warning that their city had been under siege. Even after she had confirmed the intruder ’s annihilation, the twitching kept getting stronger and faster.

His dark and distorted expression scared Gan Ning. The latter rushed to the bar and fetched the best wine for Miaomiao, hoping to calm his boss.

”B-Boss. Is there something wrong? ”

Miaomiao stopped gazing outside and returned to the lobby. He picked the wine bottle from Gan Ning, ”Brace yourself. The storm is coming. ”

”Huh? What storm? The weather is clear outside. ”

”Not that kind of storm. You ’ll see when the time comes. ”

Miaomiao rubbed his right eyebrow again while he took out his phone and reread his wife ’s text messages.

14:05 [Mount Hua Sect has attacked us.]

14:42 [We got them. Sister Xueyan got the rest of them. Nothing to worry about.]

15:15 [Merchants and rogue cultivators took several pictures of our pylon tower during the chaos. I think they ’ve also discovered the source of our local merchandise.]

15.18 [We drove the outsiders out of the city. The beasts also killed several thieves that tried to steal our medicine water.]

15.30 [I ’m sorry. We ’ve left a bad impression due to the slaughtering.]

15.31 [The outsiders cooperated and left the city in peace, but they obviously complained about our selfishness. Most of them want us to share the medicine water for free, though. They ’re fucking shameless!]

Everything seemed to be under control even though they experienced some issues.

However, the next messages worried Miaomiao.

16.45 [Ma Moxi, Zhao Yun, and Mao Xueyan said they sensed the aura of a divine being south of our city.]

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