retended to give him the right to decide, but in reality, Rixius had no choice.

There was already a widespread public opinion among the people doubting whether the emperor was alive or not.
In this situation, if he forcefully asked for the emperor’s power, it was nothing more than making his father a corpse on his own.

However, it was impossible for an uncle to act as a substitute for the grown-up crown prince.

In the end, as a compromise, an unprecedented ‘Half-Half Emperor Rights’ situation arose.

Rixus pushed Johann up so far, but there was a fatal flaw.

The fact that he didn’t seem to be interested in the throne at all.

The ‘conquests’ he advocated was merely a political belief, and he did not seem to have any ambition to seize power by forcefully implementing it.

Johann even rebuked Deborah when he found out that she had harassed Rixus.
He was only concerned with the prosperity of Aktoum, and was even kind to his nephew.

Johann smiled kindly and said,

“I am only grateful that His Highness the Crown Prince does my work for me.
I should have done the interrogation… but I wasted my time praying.”

A part of Deborah’s outfit was crumpled every time Johann did this.

‘That stupid man! Don’t you have any belly?’

If he had been ambitious, he would have gotten married and have children sooner.

‘He just stuck in his bedroom all day and prayed…’

Johann hadn’t married and spent most of his time praying, just like a priest.

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Maybe he didn’t seem to age because he didn’t have stress or greed.
In fact, he was 36 years old and appeared to be in his mid-20s.

Young ladies who said he was good-looking were lined up, but when he prayed with an angelic face, they felt somewhat sublime and even immoral for having sexual desire for him.

Of course, there were young ladies who were more excited about that point.

Still, he made no effort to get married, have children, and look like an attractive heir to the throne… 

Then, don’t waste it! That leadership and the occasional intimidation seemed very fitting for the emperor.

It was when Deborah was looking at Johann with dissatisfaction.

A cold voice came out to be heard.

“I am probably more accustomed to cutting off a man’s limb than Archduke Marquis.”

At Rixus’s emotionless expression and tone, Deborah frowned as if it was terrible.

On the other hand, Johann accepted it calmly and gently.

“I heard that he was a worshiper of demons.
Your Highness the Crown Prince, he would not have opened his mouth at all.”

Rixus said indifferently.

“They poured out one after another.”

In an instant, Deborah, Prime Minister Bernard, and Marquis Kalen’s spine shuddered.

It was because they remembered how cruel he had been to open his mouth, and that terrifying and desperate scream.

Rixus walked out of the dungeon first, leaving them behind.

Deborah and Bernard, who had stiffened, sighed at the same time, then Marquis Kalen let out a sigh of his own.

“Did you just see it? We’re overwhelmed just dealing with the Crown Prince… and now, the Queen of Spinel?”

Deborah continued with an unpleasant face, as if she had seen a cockroach.

“Two troublesome beings! If they ever give birth to a child, the blood of the Aktoum royal family will be mixed with the inferior blood of Spinel, horrifying!”

Bernard added, stroking his beard as if he was intimidated.

“I agree.
To marry a spinel undermines national dignity.
It’s like a cross between a monkey and a human.”

Since three days ago, when Rixus brought his ‘Holy Marriage Agreement’ with Spinel, Aktoum had been turned upside down.

Among them, the busiest were the nine nobles.

If peace was promoted through a holy marriage, it would be even more difficult to conquer Spinel.

Deborah begged Johann discreetly.

“Archduke Marquis, please tell me.
If this marriage takes place, there will be no chance for Aktoum to become a rich empire by conquering and unifying Spinel.
Shouldn’t this marriage be prevented?”

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Johann answered with a cool look, but with certainty.

“Marriage is solely his choice.
Permission rests with the high priesthood, so it’s not for us to add our opinions.”

That was a very stern answer.
To the point where she had no words to respond.

Johann left the dungeon with only those words.

Deborah, with a tired expression on her face, opened her fan made with peacock feathers and cooled her feverish face.

“How can he not be so greedy?”

Then Marquis Kalen intervened carefully.

“Actually, as Archduke Marquis said, there is no way we can do anything about it.
Marriage is decided by the high priest…”

Deborah reacted sharply to the lovely man with light blond hair.

“Shut up, Marquis Kalen, because I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

“…Yes… Madam”

Marquis Kalen’s ears reddened as he felt embarrassed.

Deborah said firmly.

“Why isn’t there any way? It’s enough to kick her out before she get used to Aktoum’s social circle!”

The corners of her lips twisted.

“If a horde of mice rushes to it, the aged cheese will become rags…?”

Elegant olive-colored eyes flashed.

“Wait and see.
This Deborah will drive the Queen out!”

* * *

“Why is there a card?”

Arriving in Aktoum and being assigned a room in the Crown Prince’s Palace, I first found a card lying on the table.

It was a card with a luxurious gold seal.

Seeing it lying with a red rose…

‘It’s an invitation.
Aktoum was said to give an invitation with a rose.’

I slowly opened the card.

A celebration banquet already…?

However, the signature written under the invitation was very impressive.

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