d remembered how tensed she looked when two men from her family were there to visit her mother.
She looked scared and lost at that moment.
He felt sad for her, deep down in his heart as he could feel what she was feeling.

Now she looked away from all the worries in the world.
Jiang Yang felt something in his heart to see her and patted her head with care as he wanted her not be worried about anything and he was there for her.

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Jiang Yang left the room without making a sound.
Once the door was closed, Nixxxie opened her eyes.
The moment she heard Jiang Yang ’s voice when he was talking to the nurse, she was awake but she pretended to be asleep.

Why she did it, she couldn ’t understand but she was affected by what he said to her in his cabin that ’he liked her ’.
No one ever dared said something like to her because she was a bird locked in a cage created by her family.

Nixxxie could sense, he was coming in her direction after checking her mother but still didn ’t open her eyes.
The way he covered her with a quilt and patted her head she felt nice.
She didn ’t feel as to why he was doing it instead she wished him to continue it.
It was not a thing to be done by a doctor so it was obvious that he was being more than just a doctor of her mother.

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Once Jiang Yang left, Nixxxie touched her own forehead where he touched her while patting as she could still feel the warmth of his hand there.
Closing her eyes she felt that warmth until it disappeared completely with her heart beating faster.

Not being able to sleep, she continued thinking about him but the next moment she shook her head and said to herself, ”Idiot, you are not allowed to think about anyone.
Don ’t forget it. ”Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

Frowning on herself, she closed her eyes but even after trying so hard, she couldn ’t stop thinking about him neither she could sleep.

Days passed like this when Jiang Yang continued to visit her mother and Nixxxie used to watch him silently.
Most of the time when Jiang Yang visited her mother in the night, though, for him, it was just an excuse to see Nixxxie, he didn ’t miss the chance to pat her head and keep looking at her calm face for few moments and leave the room.
It was like his fixed protocol to do.

All this time Nixxxie was aware of his actions but not even once she tried to stop him.
For her, the protocol of Jiang Yang ’s visit was the same and she didn ’t want to break it.
The day whenever Jiang Yang couldn ’t come to check on her mother during day time, it was obvious for her to understand that he will come at midnight in the room and he will do what he always did.

It was a silent start of their love…..

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