21st Century Archmage

Chapter 171: Preparations to Sortie Complete!


After sending over all of the wyverns, I gazed at my faintly visible territory as I chanted the activation word. Unlike the others, I teleported at the same time as Bebeto.

The experience of spatial teleportation, something even 21st century technology could not achieve, felt rather foreign. It was difficult to describe, but it kind of felt like my whole body was instantly disassembled and scattered apart. It was a small price to pay for instant teleportation, but it was a pretty terrible feeling I didnt really want to experience again.


“A-Another ones coming!!”

“H-Hurry and knock down the wall!”

Craaack! Booom. Kuaaaaaa! Kugaaaaaaaaaaa!

‘Whats that sound?

When I got the physical feeling that the teleportation had succeeded without a problem and was about to open my eyes, I heard screams everywhere and the roar of a wall crashing down. I didnt expect an extravagant welcome, but a reaction of this nature was beyond my expectation.


However, the moment I recovered from the aftermath of the array and opened my eyes, I coughed.

‘What the helllll!!!

The area around the Garvit Duchys teleportation circle I had arrived on was an absolute, utter mess. Like some kind of inhumane poultry farm, the narrow underground space was crammed with wyverns and people, all of them screaming wildly, as well as musty air and dust.


That was when I realized what kind of mistake I made. I was only thinking about the teleportation array, but I completely ignored the size of the room the corresponding array was in. And this was the result.


I heard the crash of the wall crumbling down, and shortly afterwards, fresh air blew in.

“Hurry and open up the wall some more!”

Schwiiing. Boooooom.

Even though they werent fighting, the knights were swinging Aura Blades, hacking away at the space leading outside.

‘No wonder it felt like it was going too well.

I recalled Aramis advice to be careful. Her concern was definitely merited, because things were going wrong from the very first step.

“W-Welcome, Count Kyre.”

Despite the chaos, a knight came to greet me. Although he welcomed me with his mouth, his eyes were full of resentment. I couldnt meet his gaze at all.

‘Phew, if things had gone wrong, everyone would have become mush and died.

Considering it was a teleportation array existing in secret, the duchys array was rather large. The room it was in seemed to have been used up until recently as the familys secret training hall, because various weapons were scattered to one side.

“Where are the others?” I asked, avoiding the knights gaze.

“They are all seeking shelter. Because we had to make a hole leading upwards so hastily…” the knight stopped, unable to bring himself to continue.

‘Its like preparing a wonderful meal and dropping it on the way to the table…

If this had gone well, I could have been treated by all the nobles as a great mage, the savior of the Empire, but unfortunately, my dream faltered and tripped at the starting line.

“If I wait around, itll take forever.”

This was something I caused. Feeling bitter regret, I unsheathed my sword.


My slight frustration lent an angry edge to my sword. Someone called my name, and the knights absorbed in their work tensed and frowned when they felt the powerful mana from my blade.

“I just have to make a hole big enough for the wyverns to go out, correct?”

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